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Judge rejects Cannon-Brookes exec’s claim he was doing his job
Employment 2025-02-25 11:52 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has granted injunctions against the sacked financial controller for Mike Cannon-Brookes’ private company, who said he thought sharing company files with the Atlassian CEO’s ex-wife was part of his job.

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Favouring ‘light touch’, judge stays suit against Esso, Woodside over Bass Strait royalties
Energy & Natural Resources 2025-02-18 11:37 pm By Sam Matthews

Gas giants Esso and Woodside have won their bid to stay a court case related to a project for extracting hydrocarbons in the Bass Strait, with a judge finding the court should apply a ‘light touch’ when interpreting arbitration agreements.

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In win for union, court muzzles St Vincent’s talk on bed closures
Employment 2025-01-24 11:44 pm By Sam Matthews

A nurses union has won orders barring St Vincent’s Private from representing to nurses that protected industrial action in relation to the closure of beds at various hospitals is unlawful and unprotected.

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K&L Gates recruits patent litigator from Corrs Chambers Westgarth
Intellectual Property 2025-01-13 11:40 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

Global law firm K&L Gates has hired former Corrs Chambers Westgarth IP litigator Rachelle Downie as a partner in its Melbourne office.

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Isuzu takes fight over Directed Electronics’ case to Full Court
Appeals 2024-11-01 11:48 pm By Christine Caulfield

Isuzu is not giving up its bid to slam the brakes on a suit by car alarm company Directed Electronics over alleged trade secrets theft.

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Judge rejects franchisees’ ‘colourable’ cross-claims against United Petroleum
Franchises 2024-10-29 11:34 pm By Sam Matthews

United Petroleum will not face cross-claims by franchisees, with a judge calling the bid “a very colourable application” to create overlap with a class action in the Supreme Court.

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Isuzu can’t stay Directed Electronics case despite $170M trade secrets win
Intellectual Property 2024-10-18 11:01 pm By Sam Matthews

Vehicle maker Isuzu can’t shut down an $18 million suit by car alarm company Directed Electronics over a former employee’s alleged theft of trade secrets.

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‘Dead by Daylight’ game maker defeats rival’s trade mark
Intellectual Property 2024-10-02 3:24 pm By Sam Matthews

The developer of the blockbuster horror video game Dead by Daylight has succeeded in revoking the trade mark of rival developer of a virtual sporting game.

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Cybersecurity class actions to increase with latest reforms
Analysis 2024-09-13 11:22 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Expect more cybersecurity class actions following the introduction of a new statutory tort for serious invasions of privacy, experts on both sides of the bar table told Lawyerly.

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Spain loses appeal over security after refusing to pay $200M judgment
Scott Robertson 2024-09-02 2:01 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Kingdom of Spain must pay $56,000 in security to bring its challenge in a long-running dispute over whether it must pay a $200 million arbitral award to two renewable energy investors. 

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