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Mark Elliott’s son admits postdating cheques to Banksia lawyers ‘doesn’t look good’
Class Actions 2020-12-02 11:12 pm By Christine Caulfield

Lawyer Alex Elliott has told a judge he didn’t know when he postdated cheques for members of the Banksia class action legal team that it was done to mislead the appeals court in the case, but has admitted that in hindsight “it doesn’t look good”.

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Norton Rose partner destroyed evidence in Fair Work case, court told
Employment 2020-12-02 9:18 pm By Christine Caulfield

An employment partner with Norton Rose Fulbright, who has been referred by a judge to the legal watchdog for possible professional misconduct in a case by a former colleague, is under scrutiny in a second Fair Work suit, this time for allegedly destroying evidence.

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‘I idolised dad’: Banksia funder’s son takes stand over class action fee scandal
Class Actions 2020-12-01 7:05 pm By Christine Caulfield

The mastermind behind an alleged fraudulent scheme by members of the legal team running the class action over the collapse of Banksia Securities was a “brilliant operator”, his son has told a court.

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‘You better go and speak to your dad, little girl’: Former Hendry Group CEO files $1.5M sex discrimination suit
Employment 2020-12-01 4:27 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

The former CEO of Melbourne business consultant Hendry Group  has launched legal action against fund manager Salter Brothers and a number of top executives alleging they engaged in unlawful sexual discrimination and harassment while also failing to investigate these allegations and pay her entitlements after suspending her.

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Class action funder Mark Elliott did not need a righthand man, Banksia silk says
Class Actions 2020-11-30 10:44 pm By Christine Caulfield

The son of the lawyer and funder at the centre of an alleged fee scandal in the Banksia Securities class action was not his father’s righthand man because the late Mark Elliott did not need a righthand man, his co-accused, former senior barrister Norman O’Bryan, has told a court.

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Tandem unit’s bid to shut down sham contracting class action fails again
Employment 2020-11-30 2:02 pm By Christine Caulfield

A unit of telecommunications contractor Tandem has lost an appeal in its fight over the validity of a sham contracting class action by technicians alleging they were misclassified as contractors and wrongly denied benefits.

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Lawyers wanting to grill Banksia class action silk put on short leash
Class Actions 2020-11-27 10:18 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has confined the scope of questions lawyers can ask disgraced senior barrister Norman O’Bryan when he takes the stand this week to give evidence for the son of the mastermind behind an alleged fee scam in the Banksia Securities class action.

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Solicitor fined for ‘extravagant and intemperate attack’ on opposing counsel after 9-year legal battle
Business of Law 2020-11-26 1:05 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The director of a Melbourne law firm has been reprimanded and fined $10,000 for sending two letters to opposing counsel accusing him of being dishonest, following a protracted nine-year legal battle.

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Late document dump in Banksia class action a ‘professional disgrace’, court told
Class Actions 2020-11-26 11:48 am By Christine Caulfield

Last-minute discovery of emails by the solicitor facing accusations of complicity in a fraudulent scheme by his father and the barristers leading a class action over the collapse of Banksia Securities has been labelled a “professional disgrace” that has twice delayed his trial.

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Banksia class action judge shoots down barrister’s proportionate liability notice
Class Actions 2020-11-25 10:51 pm By Christine Caulfield

The judge overseeing a trial over alleged misconduct by lawyers behind the Banksia class action has blasted a bid by disgraced senior counsel Norman O’Bryan to file a notice of proportionate liability ahead of his turn in the witness stand, saying the notice flew in the face of the barrister’s decision to concede defeat in the case.

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