The Western Australian government has won its bid to strike out a class action that seeks damages for alleged discrimination against First Nations Australians detained for unpaid fines.
The principal of a law firm running a class action against retirement home provider Aveo Group has agreed not to drop in on residents without giving the company notice.
Nine has failed to persuade the High Court to take up a special case that would argue the Racial Discrimination Act infringes the broadcaster’s implied right of political speech, in a blow to its defence against a class action over its coverage of litigation related to the Palm Island riots.
Law firm Levitt Robinson is poised to bring a class action against the Western Australia government on behalf of detainees in the state’s Banksia Hill detention centre as reports of excessive use of force and restraints emerge.
A judge has ordered the estate ofĀ Giovanna Toppi to pay money owing to a landlord under a $1.1 million loan after refusing to find the iconic Sydney restaurateur was the victim of wrongdoing by her daughter, Paola.
A judge has declined to approve an amended opt-out notice featuring a video from a silk further explaining a “confusing” opt-out notice sent to group members in a class action against retirement home provider Aveo Group that has led to 400 opt-outs.
The Australian and New Zealand Banking Group has hit back at allegations by its former head of money markets that he was sacked for making complaints about sexual harassment by senior managers at the bank and false reporting to the prudential regulator.
A judge has approved an opt-out notice in a class action against retirement home provider Aveo Group that advises of a proposed application for a controversial funding order that would put a lien on some group members homes.
A judge has approved a $6.4 million settlement in a class action on behalf of Papua New Guinea workers against labour hire firm CoreStaff, despite the agreement allotting less than half the proceeds to group members.
The first ever amicus appointed in a fight over the wording of an opt out notice in a class action has told a court a proposed novel funding model in a case against retirement home provider Aveo Group could be a “nightmare scenario” for certain group members.