The valuer general has knocked arguments by developer WSTI Properties in a High Court dispute over a heritage property in Melbourne, saying the contentions are “unavailable and unsoundā.Ā
After losing a travel ban application against a Melbourne businessman as part of a probe into a failed investment fund, ASIC is now seeking freezing orders over his assets.
A judge has rejected AirServices bid for a separate hearing on whether it was required to manage environmental issues outside of its leased site at the Launceston Airport in Tasmania.
A bid by Banksia Securities’ special purpose receiver to thwart planned proceedings by a group of debenture holders against lawyers for the class action funder has failed.
BHP and mining equipment company Epiroc Australia have resolved a lawsuit by Rio Tinto subsidiary Technological Resources over a patent for an autonomous drilling system.
The development management company behind the $2.7 billion STH BNK project, which was placed in administration last week, owes creditors — including lawyers, consultants and designers — over $100 million.
Law firm Maddocks has advised Simonds Group on its $10 million pick-up of Dennis Family Homes, an acquisition expected to generate $200 million in additional revenue for the homebuilder next year.
The Federal Court has slapped non-bank lender Firstmac with an $8 million penalty, the secondĀ doled out in ASIC proceedings for violations of the new design and distribution obligations.
Rejecting an urgent travel ban bid by the corporate cop, a court has cleared Melbourne businessman Rashid Alshakshir to fly to Indonesia, saying the evidence did not show he was a flight risk.
Swiss aircraft manufacturer Pilatus has won discovery to pursue a possible copyright claim stemming from a Royal Australian Air Force flight simulator contract.