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Hyundai, Kia class actions could expand ‘dramatically’, court hears
Class Actions 2025-03-28 3:09 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Class actions against Hyundai and Kia over alleged defective anti-lock braking systems could expand “dramatically”, a court has heard, as a contest over competing cases ticks over into a second year.

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ANZ class action judge issues warning to third-party claim aggregators
Class Actions 2025-03-27 4:48 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge overseeing the settement approval process in a flex commissions class action against ANZ has issued a warning to third parties “seeking to profit” off group members, as a claim aggregator appears on the scene.

DePuy class action group member appeals failed challenge to payout
Appeals 2025-03-24 11:04 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A group member in a class action against Johnson & Johnson unit DePuy has filed an appeal after he lost a challenge to his compensation determination, 12 years after the case settled.

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Westpac pays $130M to settle last banking royal commission class action
Financial Services 2025-03-14 11:20 pm By Christine Caulfield

Westpac has agreed to fork over $130 million to settle a class action over payment of flexible commissions to car dealers, a practice that was banned by the corporate regulator seven years ago.

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Law firms to team up in class action against Harvey Norman
Class Actions 2025-03-14 5:01 pm By Christine Caulfield

Two law firms have reached an agreement to join their class actions against Harvery Norman alleging the furniture retailer sold worthless warranties.

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High Court asked to take up class action against BHP for second time
Class Actions 2025-03-13 11:08 pm By Sam Matthews

A drawn out class action against BHP has asked the High Court to clarify the correct approach to construing a group member definition, after a bid to retroactively amend the class was nixed on appeal.

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Judge questions need for solicitors in Jaguar class action discovery process
Class Actions 2025-03-13 11:33 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

A judge has questioned the need for solicitors in a class action against Jaguar to be involved in discovery of internal investigations by the car maker when a technical referee is to be appointed.

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Law firms ask court to bless $42.5M cut of $170M Allianz class action settlement
Class Actions 2025-03-11 11:57 pm By Sam Matthews

The Supreme Court of Victoria has been urged not to meddle with a 25 per cent group costs order in a junk insurance class action that settled for $170 million, in what would be the court’s second blessing of a law firm contingency fee.

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Maurice Blackburn shuts out lawyers over industrial action
Employment 2025-03-05 11:25 pm By Sam Matthews

Law firm Maurice Blackburn is refusing to pay its lawyers over a planned partial work ban, practically shutting them out of work in a heated dispute over pay and reproductive leave.

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Judge says prior work with Origin class action firm doesn’t disqualify him
Class Actions 2025-03-03 4:06 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

A judge says his experience working alongside the law firm pursuing an investor class action against Origin Energy prior to his appointment to the bench does not disqualify him from hearing the case.

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