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Fletcher Building says some NZ claims barred from shareholder class action
Securities 2024-01-09 10:15 pm By Cindy Cameronne

New Zealand construction giant Fletcher Building has hit back at a shareholder class action over allegedly misleading forecasts for the 2017 financial year, saying some of the claims under New Zealand law were brought out of time.

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Shareholder class action targets Fletcher Building for ‘misleading’ FY17 forecasts
Construction 2023-03-14 5:04 pm By Christine Caulfield

Shareholders have brought a class action in Australia against New Zealand-based Fletcher Building, alleging the company failed to disclose material information relating to its construction division.

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Claims pared in class action over sinking Sydney homes
Class Actions 2022-07-08 5:33 pm By Sam Matthews

Sydney homeowners bringing a class action over homes they claim are sinking into the ground wonā€™t be able to recoup alleged losses from the engineering company that certified the lots for development.

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Class action launched against council over sinking Sydney homes
Class Actions 2021-05-19 3:34 pm By Miklos Bolza

Homeowners in a Western Sydney suburb have filed a NSW Supreme Court class action against the local council, a developer and geotechnical engineers seeking compensation over homes they claim are sinking into the ground.

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