A real estate expert and probity specialist have joined Maddocks Canberra-based government practice as special counsel.
Green iron start-up Element Zero has lost its latest bid to set aside search orders in a case by Fortescue alleging former employees misappropriated its process for carbon dioxide-free iron.
The Victorian Building Authority will stand trial in the County Court on charges connected to the death of one of its inspectors.
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has taken Australia’s largest super fund to court over alleged delays in processing almost 7,000 death benefit claims, which the fund has blamed on COVID-19.
A judge has found two major Sydney residential developments that are part of the estate of the late Lady Mary Fairfax cannot dodge surcharge land tax.
Boroondara City Council has sued ADCO seeking urgent orders that it sign a deed of guarantee under a $59 million contract to redevelop Kew Recreation Centre, as the builder faces charges over a roof collapse.
A failed competition class action by Queensland electricity customers accusing utility companies Stanwell and CS Energy of misusing their market power has been appealed to the Full Court.
A contractor for a proposed $100 million country club near Perth has lost a round in a legal battle that has stalled the project, losing a bid for a freezing order against the landowner.
The valuer general has knocked arguments by developer WSTI Properties in a High Court dispute over a heritage property in Melbourne, saying the contentions are “unavailable and unsound”.
Canberra developer Geocon has filed a legal challenge seeking a tax refund on sales from a development for 360 residential units.