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ASIC, Noumi privilege win gives comfort to companies mulling VDAs
Analysis 2025-02-14 11:34 pm By Christine Caulfield

A finding that Noumi’s production of a PwC report to ASIC didn’t constitute waiver of privilege provides clarity that voluntary disclosure agreements can protect confidential information, but care must still be taken, lawyers say.

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Judge recuses himself from Pauline Hanson’s victimisation suit
Discrimination 2025-02-07 11:28 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

A judge has disqualified himself from presiding over a victimisation case lodged by Queensland senator Pauline Hanson against former colleague Brian Burston.

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Construction PRO
Law firm found negligent in Victoria hotel transaction, owes $1.2M damages
Construction 2025-02-10 11:05 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

A Sydney law firm and its principal have been ordered to pay over $1.2 million to a former client after the solicitor was found to have failed to give proper advice about a hotel purchase.

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Court fight erupts over coverage for cyclone damage to lux Hamilton Island development
Construction 2025-01-23 5:01 pm By Andy Sidler

The owners of a Hamilton Island resort are facing a potentially lengthy legal battle after suing their builder and its insurer over $20 million in allegedly defective rectification works completed after Cyclone Debbie.  The villas owned by Great Barrier Reef Yacht Club Villas were damaged in the March 2017 cyclone, after which Insurance Australia Limited…

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Legal fees to eat up more than half of COVID-19 class action settlement
Class Actions 2025-01-21 10:22 pm By Sam Matthews

Legal fees will eat up more than half of a $3.5 million settlement reached in a class action over deaths at a NSW aged care facility during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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Parkerville bushfire victim stuck with Western Power’s settlement offer
Energy & Natural Resources 2025-01-16 4:34 pm By Sam Matthews

A victim of the 2014 Parkerville bushfire can’t withdraw acceptance of a settlement offer from Western Power in light of PTSD symptoms which he said affected his judgment.

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Construction PRO
CIMIC to hand over quality control info in $70M suit over squeaky building facade
Construction 2025-01-20 4:35 pm By Andy Sidler

The owners of Perth high rise HBF House have won their bid for more documents from builder CIMIC, as they seek to prove claims that the building squeaks when the weather changes and leaks when it rains. 

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High Court to weigh $2.9M valuation for heritage property in Melbourne CBD
Real Estate 2025-01-17 10:05 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The valuer general of Victoria has told the High Court that a property in Melbourne’s CBD should be valued at $6.2 million rather than $2.9 million, despite a heritage constraint on development. 

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Construction PRO
Tasmanian Ports had right to boot tenant Resources Australasia, court finds
Real Estate 2025-01-17 9:46 pm By Andy Sidler

Tasmanian Ports had a right to kick wood pellets manufacturer Resources Australasia off leased property after it erected an awning structure without permission, a court has found.

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Top 10 class action settlements of 2024
Class Actions 2025-01-03 7:25 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Class action settlements leaped in value last year, with three settlements topping the $200 million mark.

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