Ben Roberts-Smith has been hit with indemnity costs for his failed defamation case over articles accusing him of war crimes, with a judge agreeing with the publishers that the former SAS corporal knew the allegations were substantially true.
A judge has ordered wealth manager Mercer Financial Advice to pay a $12 million penalty for âextremely seriousâ fees-for-no-service conduct and breaches of its fee disclosure obligations, in a case brought by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. In the case, filed in June last year, Â ASIC alleged that Mercer charged 761 customers a total…
Nine has agreed to pay Euro Pacific CEO Peter Schiff $550,000 to settle a defamation suit brought over a 60 Minutes report on an international tax evasion investigation, avoiding a contested hearing on the damages bill in the case.
Nuix had information in January 2021 which undermined the growth story presented to the market in the prospectus for its IPO, a court has heard on the first day of ASICâs case against the tech company and a handful of former directors.
The High Court has found that tenants can be compensated for distress and disappointment caused by a landlordâs failure to meet a statutory requirement to maintain the security of a property, in a case brought by an elderly tenant from a remote Indigenous community whose house had no back door for over five years.
A judge has blocked ASIC from running a new case seeking penalties against investment group M101 Nominees and founder James Mawhinney on remittal from the Full Court, after the regulator admitted it made errors at its initial trial.
A judge has balked at the court being asked to examine the internal workings of the Indonesian government in the nine-year old live exports ban class action, flagging a possible Full Court hearing of the matter before damages are finalised.
A law firm behind a class action against the state of Victoria over the COVID-19 hotel quarantine fiasco is seeking what would be the second highest contingency fee rate for running the case, saying the percentage was justified given the complexity of the novel claims.
Former SAS corporal Ben Roberts-Smith has been ordered pay $910,000 in security for costs as he appeals a defamation ruling that found he committed murder in Afghanistan and was not a reliable witness.Â
In allowing Seven and chairman Kerry Stokes to challenge a ruling granting Fairfax access to 8,600 emails with accused war criminal Ben Roberts-Smithâs legal team, a judge has said they will suffer prejudice if âpersonally embarrassingâ communications are put into evidence.Â