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AMA loses in appeal over $4.8M smash repair acquisition
Appeals 2024-07-24 11:05 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Two Gosford-based smash repair businesses have won an appeal in a dispute with AMA Group over the earn out amount the ASX-list company owed under an October 2018 agreement to purchase the companies for $4.8 million.

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Class action by sexual abuse survivors accuses law firm of negligence
Class Actions 2024-07-23 11:09 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A class action has accused not for profit community legal service Knowmore Legal of breaching its duty of care and providing negligent advice to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse who settled their claims under the National Redress Scheme when they could have recovered more by taking their claims to court.

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Jones Day lures Baker McKenzie special counsel for financial markets practice
People In The News 2024-07-24 2:52 pm By Sam Matthews

Jones Day has bolstered its financial markets practice with the addition of a former Baker McKenzie special counsel. 

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Former OnePath chair ‘not cooperating’ in ANZ class action, court told
Class Actions 2024-07-23 1:59 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The ex-chair of former ANZ unit OnePath “has not been cooperating” in a class action alleging it breached its duties as a trustee of superannuation funds by slugging members with excessive fees to pay commissions to financial advisers, a court has heard. 

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Super Retail hit with Fair Work complaints by former senior executives
Employment 2024-07-23 11:35 pm By Christine Caulfield

Two former executives of Rebel Sports owner Super Retail Group have filed action in the Fair Work Commission alleging contraventions related to their dismissal from the company.

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Investor class action can’t see Virgin’s advice from Herbert Smith Freehills
Class Actions 2024-07-23 11:40 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has rejected arguments that Virgin Australia waived legal professional privilege over advice from Herbert Smith Freehills by claiming in a class action defence that it had a reasonable belief that statements in a prospectus for a $324 million capital raising were not misleading.

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Negligence case against Malouf Solicitors over ‘doomed to fail’ cases thrown out
Professional Negligence 2024-07-23 11:01 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A medical imaging company has lost its negligence case alleging Malouf Solicitors failed to advise it that its defences in District Court proceedings were doomed to fail, with a judge finding the company’s executives were informed of the risks of defending the case.

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Lander & Rogers snags real estate partner from Gadens
Real Estate 2024-07-23 2:03 pm By Sam Matthews

Lander & Rogers has lured away a Gadens veteran to bolster its real estate practice in Brisbane. 

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Court questions GM’s interpretation of settlement in Holden class action
Class Actions 2024-07-22 11:04 pm By Sam Matthews

An appeals court has questioned General Motors’ construction of its settlement with the applicant in a class action on behalf of Holden dealers, as the car maker seeks to overturn a ruling that put it on the hook for the applicant’s full costs.

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McGrathNicol partners duck apprehended bias claims in Globaltech administration
Restructuring & Insolvency 2024-07-22 11:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has rejected an application by a director of mining tech company Globaltech to replace administrators from McGrathNicol after arguing there was an appearance of bias since their fellow partners used to be on the board of its biggest unsecured creditor, Boart Longyear.

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