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High Court clarifies ‘dominant use’ in land tax exemption for animal farms
Appeals 2024-06-05 11:02 pm By Sam Matthews

Unanimously dismissing an appeal by thoroughbred breeding and horseracing giant Godolphin, the High Court has ruled on the proper construction of a tax exemption for rural land in NSW.

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eSafety Commissioner to drop court case against X over stabbing footage
X Corp 2024-06-05 1:14 pm By Christine Caulfield

The online safety watchdog has dropped her Federal Court action seeking to force X to put a worldwide block on graphic footage of the April stabbing of a religious leader at Wakeley, following a judge’s decision not to maintain an injunction against the social media platform.

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Pfizer calls out ‘impermissible fishing expedition’ in fight over Enbrel biosimilar
Intellectual Property 2024-06-05 10:17 pm By Andy Sidler

Drug giant Pfizer has blasted Samsung Bioepis’ “fishing expedition” in its suit alleging infringement of the patent for its blockbuster arthritis drug Enbrel, telling the court the Korean biotech should not be allowed to dig for new grounds of invalidity.  

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Pacific Werribee shopping centre owners mull $335M suit against Probuild
Construction 2024-06-05 2:24 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The co-owners of Pacific Werribee shopping centre in Victoria have largely won their bid for insurance documents as they weigh a second case against collapsed construction company, allegedly worth up to $335 million. 

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Judge penalises National Gallery contractor $1.5M in ACCC bid-rigging case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-06-04 11:22 pm By Andy Sidler

Industrial technology company Delta Building Automation has been hit with a $1.5 million penalty after it was found liable for attempting to rig a bid for construction work on the National Gallery of Australia, a penalty five times the sum it asked the court to impose.

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Santos socked with $2.75M penalty for record-keeping failures
Energy & Natural Resources 2024-06-04 1:56 pm By Sam Matthews

The Australian Energy Regulator has secured a $2.75 million penalty in a case against oil and gas company Santos alleging record-keeping failures in breach of the National Gas Rules. 

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Mt Arthur Coal, Chandler Macleod to face suit over 150 instances of alleged bullying
Employment 2024-06-04 11:29 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has allowed a coal mine truck driver to bring claims as much as five years out of time against Mt Arthur Coal and Chandler Macleod over alleged bullying by a colleague, finding the delay in bringing the case was justified by a period of disability which left the worker “severely impaired in her capacity to pursue any litigation”.

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MinterEllison nabs energy and resources expert from Dentons
Energy & Natural Resources 2024-06-04 11:08 pm By Andy Sidler

MinterEllison’s Perth office has welcomed a new energy and resources expert from Dentons, fleshing out the firm’s Western Australian capabilities. 

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Medibank can’t ‘have it both ways’ with Deloitte report, class action says
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2024-06-03 11:35 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action has argued Medibank cannot claim legal professional privilege over three Deloitte reports after disclosing them to reassure the market and customers after a massive 2022 data breach.

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Domino’s faces threat of shareholder class action
Class Actions 2024-06-03 11:02 pm By Sam Matthews

Domino’s is facing a potential shareholder class action for allegedly misleading the market about its expected performance in Japan. 

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