Tasmanian Ports had a right to kick wood pellets manufacturer Resources Australasia off leased property after it erected an awning structure without permission, a court has found.
Developer Schofields has won $20 million from the New South Wales government after the state failed to provide an easement or road access to land it owned for more than two years after acquiring a neighbouring lot.
A class action against Allianz over alleged junk add-on insurance has settled for $170 million, with two law firms set to take 25 per cent of the payout under a group costs order.
A court has ordered ASX-listed childcare company G8 Education to advance the legal costs of its embattled former chair, Jennifer Hutson, who faces a criminal trial next month.
Ex-BHP unit South32 has dodged a request for an expedited injunction barring in an intellectual property dispute, with a judge finding there was “no urgency” to the bid.
Sydney Trains faces court action alleging drivers were docked pay after taking part in protected industrial action, amid a protracted dispute over a new enterprise agreement.
Ramsay Healthcare has lost a challenge to a decision that paved the way for a former employee to bring action alleging discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
Gilbert + Tobin has snagged a Sydney-based Dentons partner to bolster its financial services regulatory group.
Chinese builder Yuanda has settled a lawsuit against its former director that alleged he diverted building contracts, including a project with Lendlease, to his current employer SRG Global.
Russian company UC Rusal wants the High Court to hear its appeal of an “extremely harsh” finding that Rio Tinto was entitled to refuse alumina deliveries due to export sanctions.