Ex-Keystone director Paul Chiodo’s company has won more time to file a defence to a new suit by Keystone’s receivers over a failed transaction for the purchase a Marriott Hotel in Italy.
Liquidators of collapsed developer Crown Group have brought legal action against the company’s partner in a joint venture to build a residential tower in Melbourne’s Southbank, seeking to force a sale of the property.
A judge has rejected a misleading conduct claim against a builder who professed his “passion” for building high-end homes to a client, but put the builder on the hook for over $1 million in damages for rectification works.
The IP holder of the The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings franchises has lost its challenge to registration of a trade mark by vegan burger chain Lord of the Fries.
A delegate has ordered the removal of Macquarie’s ‘Macbank’ trade mark, finding no evidence of use in the course of trade despite the moniker being widely used to refer to the bank colloquially.
As the High Court hears oral arguments this week on the reach of power to make common fund orders for firms and funders bringing class actions, Lawyerly gives a cheat sheet on what the justices could do.
The plaintiff in an unsuccessful class action against Bayer over its Essure contraceptive device wants to see whether she can avoid paying costs in the case before deciding on whether to appeal the loss.
ASIC has lost its bid to pause the latest case brought by billionaire Clive Palmer, which alleges compulsory examinations that underpinned a criminal case against him were undertaken for an improper purpose.
A contractor for a proposed $100 million country club near Perth has lost a round in a legal battle that has stalled the project, losing a bid for a freezing order against the landowner.
Energy tender firm AEMO has awarded ACEN Australia a contract for its pumped hydro project in the latest competitive tender round as part of the NSW electricity infrastructure roadmap.