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Crikey planned media blitz over Murdoch feud to up subscriptions, court told
Media 2022-12-01 5:29 pm By Sam Matthews

News outlet Crikey has handed over internal documents showing its plans to mount a marketing campaign portraying itself as the victim in a “David and Goliath” battle with Fox News CEO Lachlan Murdoch over an allegedly defamatory article about the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, a court has heard.

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A2 Milk class action can pursue NZ claims
Class Actions 2022-12-01 10:28 pm By Christine Caulfield

A shareholder class action against a2 Milk has won its bid to include claims under New Zealand law over the dairy company’s disclosures to the New Zealand stock exchange.

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Judge laments ‘extremely slow’ COVID-19 hotel quarantine class action
Class Actions 2022-12-01 9:35 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has pulled up legal teams in a class action against the state of Victoria on behalf of businesses that allegedly suffered loss from the 2020 hotel quarantine debacle, saying progress in the case has been “extremely slow”.

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PTTEP class action funder asks court to muzzle barrister
Class Actions 2022-11-30 5:25 pm By Christine Caulfield

The funder bankrolling the settled class action against oil exploration company PTTEP wants a court-ordered injunction against a barrister to prevent him from giving independent legal advice to the lead applicant about his claim.

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Judge slashes law firm’s uplift in Box Hill Institute class action
Class Actions 2022-11-30 11:18 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has approved a $33 million settlement in a class action against vocational education provider Box Hill Institute, but taken the ax to a law firm’s proposed 18.25 per cent loading on its fees, saying courts shouldn’t approve uplifts for run of the mill legal work.

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Judge doubts barrister’s claims in ex-commando’s defamation case against ABC
Defamation 2022-11-30 10:28 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has raised doubts about ex-commando Heston Russell’s barrister’s claims that it “screamed from the page” of an allegedly defamatory ABC article that her client committed war crimes.

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Murdoch flags ‘massive dispute about privilege’ in Crikey defamation battle
Defamation 2022-11-30 3:22 pm By Sam Matthews

A “massive dispute about privilege” is on the cards in the defamation row between Fox News CEO Lachlan Murdoch and news outlet Crikey over an article about the January 6 attack on the US Capitol.

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Vagisal maker Combe hits rival with IP suit over Vagisan
Intellectual Property 2022-11-30 6:00 pm By Sam Matthews

The maker of Vagisil personal care products has filed a trade mark suit against pharmaceuticals and cosmetic company Dr Wolff over its new line of Vagisan products, arguing the name is likely to confuse consumers.

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A Gender Revolution: A fairer future for women under new workplace laws
Expert Insights 2022-11-30 10:57 pm By Editor

With the passage of the Respect@Work and Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bills before Christmas this year, the Federal Government will have done more to make workplaces fairer and safer for women than years of platitudes from their predecessors, says Maurice Blackburn’s Mackenzie Wakefield and Patrick Turner.

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‘Banks aren’t perfect’: Judge tosses ASIC’s case against CBA over monthly account fees
Financial Services 2022-11-29 4:50 pm By Sam Matthews

ASIC has lost a case accusing the Commonwealth Bank of Australia of hitting customers with $55 million in unauthorised fees, with a judge finding that nearly 1 million customers charged the fees should have known that even banks “sometimes make mistakes”.

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