Spanish infrastructure giant Acciona has lost its bid to transfer a dispute over a $511 million waste-to-energy facility in East Rockingham, with a judge finding no overlap with another matter in the Federal Court.
A judge has made a class closure order in a shareholder case against software company Nuix and underwriter Macquarie Capital, but rejected a bid to keep the order in operation until trial.
Home retailer Bed Bath N’ Table has asked the High Court to reverse a Full Court judgment that found retailer House did not engage in misleading and deceptive conduct in setting up its Bed & Bath stores.
Australian fintech start-up Chippit Financial has defeated PayPal’s challenge to its bid to register ‘PayPool’ as a trade mark for a new lending product.
Thomson Geer has nabbed top intellectual property and technology lawyer Hayden Delaney and his Queensland- based team from HopgoodGanim.
In the latest class action loss, a judge has said that $165 million in fees charged to members by NAB super fund trustee NULIS Nominees was corporate revenue “with which it was free to deal as it saw fit”.
Hitting back at the regulator’s claims of dodgy sales promotions, Coles and Woolworths say price increases were the result of real cost pressures, and subsequent discounts were not illusory.
A former Dentons property partner claims he lost the opportunity for promotion when he was forced to resign, but the firm argues his own misconduct put paid to his prospects of joining the equity ranks.
Element Zero has denied claims that three former Fortescue employees, including one executive, misused confidential information and developed a green iron process on the company dime.
Toyota has denied a class action’s claims that devices installed in its vehicles were intended to cheat emissions tests, maintaining that they were designed to protect engines from damage.