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Judge calls out Corrs Chambers’ ‘combative’ conduct in building defects suit
Construction 2024-11-19 12:54 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has called out the ā€œcombative correspondenceā€ between solicitors at Corrs Chambers and another law firm in a construction defects suit.

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Marsh fights ‘serious’ finding it used Greensill litigation docs in UK case
Insurance 2024-11-19 3:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

Insurer Marsh has wasted no time in appealing a ruling that it breached an obligation not to use documents discovered in litigation over the $7 billion collapse of Greensill in separate proceedings.

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CBA class action judge used ‘far too onerous’ test, appeals court told
Class Actions 2024-11-18 11:38 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Two failed class actions against CBA claim a judge used a ā€œfar too onerous testā€ for materiality in deciding whether the bank should have told the market about deficiencies in its anti-money laundering systems.Ā 

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Fletcher can’t pry into judge’s background as law firm class action head
Class Actions 2024-11-18 11:18 pm By Christine Caulfield

Evidence sought by Fletcher Building from a judge’s former law firm as part of the construction company’s recusal bid is inadmissible, a court has ruled.

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Court OKs stolen wages settlement, holds off on ‘eye-watering’ fees
Class Actions 2024-11-18 3:34 pm By Christine Caulfield

A court has approved a settlement worth up to $202 million in a stolen wages class action against the government, but will hear further argument on the legal costs of the case.

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‘Out of licence and out of control’: Maxim seeks injunction against licensee
Intellectual Property 2024-11-18 11:04 pm By Andy Sidler

US menā€™s magazine Maxim is seeking an injunction against its “out of control” Australian licensee, which it accuses of running modelling tours for an offshoot brand that are below its standards.

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ASIC takes NAB to court over customer hardship claims
Financial Services 2024-11-18 12:51 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

The corporate watchdog is suing the second Big Four bank in two months, alleging NAB mishandled hundreds of hardship applications from vulnerable customers.

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Seven settles lawsuit by ex-Spotlight reporter
Employment 2024-11-18 2:40 pm By Christine Caulfield

Seven Network has resolved a workplace lawsuit by former Spotlight reporter Amelia Saw, but the details of the settlement, like the case itself, are under wraps.

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Class action over ‘cookie cutter’ legal advice says declassing application should wait
Class Actions 2024-11-18 11:33 pm By Andy Sidler

A class action alleging Knowmore Legal Service provided negligent ā€œcookie cutterā€ legal advice to sexual abuse survivors has argued a hearing on declassing and strike-out applications should be put on hold.

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Holding Redlich adds two MinterEllison partners to Canberra team
Business of Law 2024-11-18 11:33 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

Law firm Holding Redlich has snagged two MinterEllison partners to grow its Canberra office and bolster its offering to government clients.

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