The law firm behind Australia’s first privacy class action is investigating a class action over the Service NSW data breach that exposed the personal and health information of over 100,000 people.
The Fair Work Commission has found a childcare worker’s dismissal from a Goodstart Early Learning centre for refusing to take a mandatory influenza vaccine was not harsh, unjust or unreasonable.
DLA Piper has snagged a leading technology partner from rival MinterEllison to join its intellectual property and technology practice.
Food giants Arnott’s and Campbells have hit back in an infringement case over their ‘Plantly’ trade mark, filing a cross-claim that seeks to cancel rival Goodman Fielder’s ‘Plantry’ mark.
Creditors of LGL Commodities might have a right of action against solicitors for the company’s liquidators for failing to comply with court orders and omitting evidence in a case against a former director, a judge has ruled.
Piper Alderman has settled a dispute with a former partner who claimed the law firm discriminated against her when she was ousted from the partnership.
A group of car dealers has hit a unit of car giant General Motors with a class action for allegedly breaching its contract by retiring the Holden brand in Australia last year.
News Corp and journalist Annette Sharp will have to pay the legal costs of Sydney lawyer Christopher Murphy who won a $110,000 judgment in his defamation case against the publisher, despite the lawyer rejecting an $120,000 offer to settle the case.
Allens’ response to a complaint of sexual harassment in the firm’s Brisbane office five years ago may have breached the federal Work Health and Safety Act, a new report has suggested.
A former employee of The Athlete’s Foot has sued the sports footwear chain over an alleged sexual assault which she claims took place after a work-related event, saying the alleged perpetrator threatened her for complaining to the national manager, who dismissed her allegations.