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Ex-Super Retail lawyer wants lid lifted on settlement for public defence
Employment 2025-03-07 6:22 pm By Sam Matthews

Super Retail Group’s former top lawyer wants to lift a suppression order covering details of a settlement she says was reached after she was dismissed from the company.

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Coburn can pull from $6.88M security in fight over mineral sands project contract
Construction 2025-03-07 11:46 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The owner of the Coburn mineral sands project in Western Australia can deduct money allegedly owed by construction company Primero for allegedly breaching their contract from $6.85 million held as a security. In a Friday judgment, WA Supreme Court Justice Natalie Whitby sided with Coburn Resources in finding that Coburn can have recourse to the…

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Duke Apartments developer can bring $6M offsetting claim in fight with builder
Construction 2025-03-07 11:33 pm By Andy Sidler

Duke Ventures has succeeded in setting aside a statutory demand from the builder of a 10-storey development in Collingwood, with a judge finding the property developer can rely on a $6 million offsetting claim. 

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Superintendent to be dragged into Dymocks’ $4.5M suit over award-winning roof
Construction 2025-03-07 11:20 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

Dymocks Book Arcade wants to join a project’s superintendent to a $4.5 million lawsuit over a defective roof at a property on the NSW North Coast.

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Full Court asked to turn lights back on in failed Queensland electricity class action
Class Actions 2025-03-06 11:56 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A failed competition class action by Queensland electricity customers accusing utility companies Stanwell and CS Energy of misusing their market power has been appealed to the Full Court.

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‘Staggering’: Lawyers taken to task by court for excessive submissions
Courts 2025-03-06 10:58 pm By Andy Sidler

A judge has slammed lawyers for filing “staggering” volumes of documents in an interlocutory skirmish and racking up huge costs, warning the court may need to take “decisive action” to ensure compliance with the Civil Procedure Act.

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Barrister fights order quarantining costs in spat with solicitors Giles George
Defamation 2025-03-06 11:54 pm By Christine Caulfield

A barrister who won her defamation case over A Current Affairs’ reporting on a cavoodle custody battle is challenging an order in favour of her former solicitors over contested costs.

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Environment minister taken to court by Wilderness Society over 11 species
Environment 2025-03-06 11:36 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

The Wilderness Society has sued the federal environment minister alleging she has failed in her duty to create recovery plans for 11 species at risk of extinction.

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Star’s former CEO accused of ‘false account’ in money laundering trial
Trials 2025-03-05 11:19 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Facing a grilling at trial in ASIC’s money laundering case, Star’s former boss has been accused of giving a false account of a conversation he had with the casino operator’s head of due diligence.

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Maurice Blackburn shuts out lawyers over industrial action
Employment 2025-03-05 11:25 pm By Sam Matthews

Law firm Maurice Blackburn is refusing to pay its lawyers over a planned partial work ban, practically shutting them out of work in a heated dispute over pay and reproductive leave.

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