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Thiel partner in Gawker takedown seeks $2M in new lawsuit
Financial Services 2020-01-28 10:21 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

An Australian law graduate and businessman who convinced tech billionaire Peter Thiel to fund a defamation lawsuit that ultimately bankrupted famed US gossip blog Gawker has filed a lawsuit seeking $2 million from a former business partner.

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Sydney financial advisor hit with $14.5M class action by Chinese investors
Class Actions 2020-01-28 4:11 pm By Miklos Bolza

A Sydney-based financial advisory firm has been hit with a class action by a group of Chinese investors over a property investment and visa scheme that allegedly saw group members lose $14.5 million in funds.

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Judge hits Geowash with $4.2M penalty for unconscionable conduct against franchisees
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-01-24 3:31 pm By Christine Caulfield

Car wash franchisor Geowash has been ordered to pay $4.2 million in penalties for overcharging franchisees to set up outlets and misleading them about how much revenue they could earn.

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Quinn Emanuel lures IP heavyweight from Allens
People In The News 2020-01-24 1:30 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

US litigation powerhouse Quinn Emanuel has lured a leading patent attorney from Allens to grow its Sydney office.

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STA Travel makes admissions in ACCC case over hidden fees
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-01-23 10:18 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s case alleging STA Travel hit customers with $1 million in hidden fees and commissions through an add-on that purported to cover the cost of flight changes will go straight to a penalties hearing after the student travel agent made admissions.

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Axed Russells lawyer’s feud with former firm heads to trial after failed settlement talks
Business of Law 2020-01-23 10:13 pm By Christine Caulfield

A last ditch effort to resolve a case brought by a restructuring and insolvency solicitor against Russells Lawyers over his dismissal has failed and the dispute will head to trial this year, more than three years after he was sacked.

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Royal commission class actions keep rolling in, one year after Hayne report
Financial Services 2020-01-23 7:13 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A year after Commissioner Kenneth Hayne released his scathing report, companies in the financial services sector are still facing fresh class actions over conduct aired at the banking royal commission, and the pace has even picked up in recent months.

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Melbourne dermatologist wins ugly fight with Johnson & Johnson over beauty cream trade mark
Intellectual Property 2020-01-22 11:31 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The owner of a Melbourne-based dermatology clinic has come out on top in a battle with Johnson & Johnson over a trade mark for creams and cosmetic products.

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Commonwealth Bank’s Colonial First State hit with fourth class action
Financial Services 2020-01-22 9:32 pm By Christine Caulfield

Commonwealth Bank’s wealth management unit Colonial First State Investments faces a new class action on behalf of hundreds of thousands of customers who were allegedly charged excesssive premiums on insurance policies.

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Deliveroo defends against wage theft case, says rider admitted he was a contractor
Employment 2020-01-22 7:06 pm By Christine Caulfield

Online food delivery platform Deliveroo has defended its business model in a wage theft case brought by a former delivery rider, saying he acknowledged he was an independent contractor when he signed up.

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