Google has slammed landmark regulatory action brought by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission over the collection and use of location data on Android devices as “cherry-picked”, saying the watchdog had read alleged misstatements by the tech giant out of context.
The former chief financial officer of Murray Goulburn has asked a judge to relieve him from any disqualification order sought by the corporate watchdog in its case over his alleged role in the milk supplier’s continuous disclosure breaches, saying he is already the subject of orders that ban him from the dairy industry.
A specialist IP law firm has launched preliminary discovery proceedings against HWL Ebsworth after one of its lawyers jumped ship.
A Melbourne-based law firm was negligent when it advised the owners of Barflys bar and cafe in Bourke Street to settle a case against its landlords for $341,500 because of changes to the law on retail leases, an appeals court has found.
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission wants to investigate the conduct of a Worrells partner in relation to the winding up of Members Alliance Group, a group of property investment companies whose 2016 collapse stripped creditors of over $40 million and left its director facing fraud charges.
Monster Energy has launched another Federal Court case against Vittoria Food & Beverage seeking to block the coffee maker from trading on the popularity of its Mother energy drink brand, and the beverage giant will have to convince the court that its brand is not so strong that confusion among consumers is not likely.
Litigation funder Augusta Ventures has brought its promised appeal of a groundbreaking ruling that put it on the hook for paying security for costs in an employment class action over the classification of casual mine workers.
Australian drug maker Juno Pharmaceuticals has hit back at claims it is infringing the patent for US-based Pfizer’s post-operative pain killer Dynastat, saying the patent is invalid.
Two special purpose liquidators appointed to collapsed engineering and construction company Forge Group are investigating a potential lawsuit against KPMG, which audited the doomed business prior to its $800 million collapse in 2014.
Pfizer, maker of the blockbuster rheumatoid arthritis biologic Enbrel, has taken generic drug maker Sandoz to court for information on its Enbrel biosimilar, after winning a bid for preliminary discovery against Samsung Biopis to pursue a possible infringement case over the same drug.