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Litigation funder throws off lawsuit seeking cut of $5M class action fee
Business of Law 2019-10-29 4:07 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Lawfinance, formerly known as Just Kapital, has won summary dismissal of a lawsuit initiated by its founder seeking a piece of the funder’s $5 million cut of the $16.85 million Wickham securities class action settlement.

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AMP says ‘patronising’ former GC did not expose fees for no service practice
Employment 2019-10-29 2:55 pm By Christine Caulfield

The former AMP general counsel who alleges she was bullied and sacked for complaining about the wealth manager’s fees for no service was not a whistleblower, but just one of many employees who raised concerns about the practice, the firm has said in a defence to the fired lawyer’s $2.7 million lawsuit.

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Group members left with less than half of $18M UGL class action settlement
Class Actions 2019-10-29 1:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

UGL shareholders that signed up to a class action against the engineering company over disclosures related to its Ichthys power plant contract will get less than half of an $18 million settlement, even after the litigation funder takes a steep cut to its 30 per cent commission and the plaintiff’s firm caps its fees.

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Corrs Chambers Westgarth subpoena set aside in Rinehart family feud
Energy & Natural Resources 2019-10-28 9:37 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A subpoena issued by the daughter of mining magnate Gina Rinehart seeking documents from Corrs Chambers Westgarth, the law firm representing her mother’s company, has been set aside by a judge, who found the material had no forensic purpose in the family’s long-running fight over a $5 billion trust.

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Funder to appeal landmark ruling on security in Fair Work class actions
Employment 2019-10-28 4:51 pm By Miklos Bolza

A litigation funder is planning to challenge a landmark Federal Court ruling that found for the first time that funders can be ordered to pay security for costs in Fair Work class actions.

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ASIC wins appeal in Westpac ‘personal advice’ case
Appeals 2019-10-28 2:06 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Full Federal Court has handed the Australian Securities and Investments Commission a win in a high-stakes appeal over what constitutes personal advice under financial services laws, finding Westpac violated its duty to act in its customers best interests through a superannuation rollover campaign.

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Woolworths class action funder wants up to 35% of any recovery
Class Actions 2019-10-28 12:23 pm By Christine Caulfield

The funder backing a shareholder class action against Woolworths wants a 35 percent slice of any settlement or judgment in the $100 million case, according to its agreement with the applicants.

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a2 Milk looks to turn trade mark losses around in Federal Court
Intellectual Property 2019-10-28 10:54 am By Cat Fredenburgh

The a2 Milk Company has filed a challenge to a competitor’s winning bid to trade mark a phrase containing “a2”, its third lawsuit in Federal Court looking to reverse losses before the Trade Marks Office. 

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Federal Court judge to go on cross-country tour for toxic foam class actions
Class Actions 2019-10-25 9:12 pm By Miklos Bolza

Federal Court Justice Michael Lee is set to go out in the field on a nationwide tour to personally inspect the military bases and surrounding properties at the heart of three class actions against the Commonwealth of Australia over land contamination from allegedly toxic firefighting foam.

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Insurers may get dragged into class action over ‘botched’ breast implants
Insurance 2019-10-25 9:03 pm By Miklos Bolza

Cosmetic Institute director Dr Eddy Dona has flagged that he may drag insurers of his now collapsed medical chain into a class action brought against him and the company over allegedly botched breast implants.

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