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TPI agrees to stop selling high codeine poppy seed, for now
Intellectual Property 2019-02-12 9:37 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Poppy processor TPI Enterprises has agreed to stop selling seed from high codeine poppy plants while it defends a lawsuit by rival Tasmanian AlkaloidsĀ alleging TPI infringed two of its innovation patents for high codeine-concentrated poppy.

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Michaelia Cash’s ex-chief of staff revealed as source of AWU raid leak
Employment 2019-02-12 9:17 pm By Christine Caulfield

Michaelia Cash’s former chief-of-staff, Ben Davies, was the tipster who told the minister’s ex-media adviser that federal police were planning to raid the headquarters of the Australian Workers’ Union, a court was told Tuesday.

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No evidence that rapist line uttered, Sarah Hanson-Young tells court
Defamation 2019-02-12 8:36 pm By Miklos Bolza

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has slammed Liberal Democrat Senator David Leyonhjelm’s attempt to stay her defamation case against him without providing evidence that the alleged misandrist comments at the heart of the proceedings were spoken in Parliament.

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Union officials blocked from entering work site don’t have to prove intent, judge says
Employment 2019-02-12 4:17 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A construction company has lost its appeal of a ruling that it illegally blocked CFMMEU officials from entering a work site to meet with union members, with a judge saying the union did not need to prove intent to obstruct to make its case for violations of the Fair Work Act.

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Spotless challenges redundancy payment ruling
Employment 2019-02-12 1:58 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Spotless Services is challenging a ruling that it owes redundancy to three workers employed at the Perth International Airport that were on fixed contracts.

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Michaelia Cash’s ex-adviser won’t give up source of tip on AWU raids
Employment 2019-02-11 10:29 pm By Christine Caulfield

A former staffer to federal minister Michaelia Cash admitted in court Monday to alerting the media about federal police raids on the offices of the Australian Workers’ Union, but he refused to reveal who tipped him off.

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Norton Rose may face contempt of court motion in dispute with ex-partner
Employment 2019-02-11 8:25 pm By Miklos Bolza

A former Norton Rose Fulbright partner says he may file a contempt of court motion against the firm for allegedly failing to produce certain evidentiary documents for over two years.

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Mills Oakley settles with lawyer allegedly sacked for drunk partner complaints
Employment 2019-02-11 8:05 pm By Miklos Bolza

Mills Oakley has settled a lawsuit brought by a former special counsel alleging the firm terminated her employment after she complained about a partner who she says showed up drunk to work and overbilled clients.

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Wavetrain wants court muzzle on competitor’s bad-mouthing over IP
Intellectual Property 2019-02-11 6:58 pm By Miklos Bolza

Railway technology company Wavetrain Systems has asked the court to bar a competitor started by its former CEO from making allegedly false claims about its patented rail safety devices to clients.

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Geowash misled franchisees about car wash costs, court finds
Franchises 2019-02-11 4:44 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Car wash franchisor Geowash misled franchisees about how much revenue they could expect to earn per month and acted unconscionably in its charging practices, the court has found.

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