Piper Alderman has snagged six partners from Squire Patton Boggs, many of whom were at the global firm for over a decade, to join its corporate, construction and financial services teams.
A failed competition class action by Queensland electricity customers accusing utility companies Stanwell and CS Energy of misusing their market power has been appealed to the Full Court.
An appeals court has found water infrastructure investor Conexa liable to pay land duty on a $46 million Sydney pipeline it acquired as part of a blockbuster deal with Rosehill.
In tossing the sixth securities class action to go to trial in recent years, a Federal Court judge has shown the task of proving shareholder loss is a doozy.
Although finding the former director of Quintis and its auditor, EY, engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct, a judge has dimissed a class action by the sandalwood producer’s shareholders.
A judge is concerned that if he approves all payouts sought by lawyers and funders from a $13.5 million settlement in a class action against a Quintis director, group members will only he left with just 18 per cent.
Japanese car maker Isuzu has struck back at a class action, arguing Isuzu D-Max and MU-X cars sold in Australia did not contain the features of so-called defeat devices used to cheat on emissions tests.
A court has foreshadowed a fight between two competing class actions against Google over alleged abuse of market dominance in digital advertising.
Two law firms have joined forces in a second class action on behalf of publishers alleging Google misused its dominance in the digital advertising market.
A judge hearing a class action against Isuzu will deal first with whether its cars were fitted with so-called defeat devices, in the latest class action alleging a car maker cheated on emissions tests.