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Warner Bros can’t kill Casella Wines’ Beetlejuice trade mark
Intellectual Property 2025-03-12 4:21 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

Hollywood movie giant Warner Bros has lost its opposition to an Australian winemaker’s proposed ‘Beetlejuice’ trade mark.

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Foxtel wins opposition to ‘originals IQ’ trade mark
Intellectual Property 2025-01-09 9:40 am By Julia Kanapathippillai

Foxtel has successfully opposed a research firm’s bid to register ‘originals IQ’ as a trade mark, with a delegate finding it was similar to the pay TV giant’s mark for its iQ set top boxes.

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IP firm loses challenge to Apple’s authentication patent
Intellectual Property 2025-01-06 8:05 pm By Cindy Cameronne

An intellectual property firm has lost its legal challenge to Apple’s bid to patent its method of authentication on electronic devices, including smartphones.

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In Pizzeys client poaching case, ‘fraught’ separate questions rejected
Intellectual Property 2021-04-23 10:01 pm By Christine Caulfield

Two lawyers facing a lawsuit over their defection from specialist IP firm Pizzeys Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys have failed in their bid to have separate hearings in the case concerning the validity of non-compete clauses in their employment contracts.

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Clients and lawyers with axe to grind a major headache for law firms in 2020
Business of Law 2021-01-13 10:12 pm By Miklos Bolza

While there was no shortage of pain and challenges for law firms as the coronavirus raged across the globe last year, a number of big firms also felt the sting of litigation from disgruntled clients, partners and employees.

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Pizzeys wins discovery bid for possible lawsuit against patent attorneys who jumped ship
Business of Law 2019-12-13 4:17 pm By Miklos Bolza

Boutique IP firm Pizzeys Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys has won its bid for preliminary discovery to pursue possible claims against two patent attorneys who left the firm to start their own competing business.

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