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PwC says it’s not liable for employeeā€™s alleged sexual harassment at Sydney bars
Employment 2024-05-02 2:53 pm By Sam Matthews

PricewaterhouseCoopers has struck back at claims in a Fair Work suit brought by a graduate associate, denying liability for the alleged sexual harassment by the womanā€™s manager at multiple Sydney bars.

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PwC sued by employee over alleged sexual assault
Employment 2024-04-05 3:30 pm By Cindy Cameronne

PricewaterhouseCoopers has been sued by an employee who alleges the accounting firm is vicariously liable for an alleged sexual assault by a co-worker after an end-of-financial-year work party.

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Scyne can’t block partner from starting work at Downer after ‘belatedly’ bringing case
Employment 2024-03-08 2:02 pm By Cindy Cameronne

PwC spin-off Scyne Advisory has lost its bid to temporarily bar a former partner from working at Downer EDI after a judge found the firm had reasonable prospects of success in its case but had inexplicably delayed bringing the proceedings.

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SingTel loses appeal in ATO case over deductions on $14B Optus acquisition
Tax 2024-03-08 10:18 pm By Sam Matthews

Telecommunications giant SingTel has lost its challenge a ruling in favour of the ATOā€™s decision to reject over $894,000 in tax deductions related to its $14.2 billion acquisition of Optus.

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PwC accused of ā€˜hiding behindā€™ legal privilege to shield Linklaters report
PricewaterhouseCoopers 2024-02-09 10:05 pm By Cindy Cameronne

PricewaterhouseCoopers has been slammed for refusing to release a report by law firm Linklaters into alleged wrongdoing by international partners, with a senator saying the firm was ā€œhiding behindā€ privilege after it made thousands of such claims during an ATO investigation.Ā 

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Lawsuit accuses PwC of denying ex-partner retirement payments over leaks crisis
Tax 2024-02-02 5:36 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A former PricewaterhouseCoopers partner has sued the firm for denying him retirement payments for moving to alleged competitor DLA Piper and for his alleged involvement in the firmā€™s tax leaks crisis.

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Insurers dragged into PwC class action over $50M bond prospectus
Class Actions 2024-01-12 2:55 pm By Sam Matthews

Over three years into a class action against failed asset finance lender Axsesstoday and auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers over a $50 million prospectus, the applicant has won the green light to add four insurers to the case.Ā 

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PwC class action by Axsesstoday bondholders wants to add insurer, 3 years in
Class Actions 2023-12-04 11:29 pm By Christine Caulfield

More than three years after filing a class action against failed asset finance lender Axsesstoday and auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers over a $50 million prospectus, the applicant has asked a court to file a new statement of claim that will join insurer Dual Australia to the case.

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PepsiCo loses dispute with ATO over royalty withholding tax
Tax 2023-12-01 11:57 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

In a victory for the ATO, a judge has found that payments made by Schweppes to PepsiCo as part of a bottling and distribution agreement, which did not expressly provide for payment of a royalty for use of the company’s IP, were royalties and should be taxed accordingly.

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Court rejects Tony Sageā€™s bid to uncover legal advice in tax audit
Tax 2023-10-20 2:17 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has rejected a bid by WA businessman and former Perth Glory owner Antony Sage to uncover external legal advice provided to the tax office in a dispute over an audit that went to the AAT, finding that reliance by the Tribunal on the material could endanger its independence.

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