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ATO hits back at Pepsico lawsuit over Schweppes bottling payments
Tax 2022-03-25 9:31 pm By Miklos Bolza

A notice issued to Pepsico demanding royalty withholding tax over bottling payments made by Schweppes correctly notified the soft drink giant of its tax liability, the Australian Taxation Office has said.

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SingTel can’t salvage $190,000 in transfer pricing deductions on $14.2B Optus buy
Tax 2022-03-24 4:44 pm By Miklos Bolza

SingTel has been blocked from making $190,000 in tax deductions after the Australian Taxation Office won its Federal Court case against the Singaporean teleco over transfer pricing benefits related to the $14.2 billion acquisition of Optus.

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PwC Australia picks up Greenwoods & Herbert Smith Freehills
Tax 2022-03-01 9:21 pm By Sam Matthews

A new taxation super-group is on the horizon, with leading tax advisory firm Greenwoods set to join the ranks of PwC Australiaā€™s financial advisory business in the midyear, amid a ā€œwar for talentā€ in the sector.Ā 

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PepsiCo takes ATO to court for taxing bottling payments by Schweppes
Tax 2022-02-23 3:30 pm By Miklos Bolza

PepsiCo has launched proceedings disputing claims by the Australian Taxation Office that amounts paid by Schweppes for local bottling and distribution services were royalties and had to be taxed accordingly.

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SingTel loses transfer pricing dispute with ATO over $14.2B Optus acquisition
Tax 2021-12-20 10:13 pm By Miklos Bolza

Singapore telecommunications giant SingTel cannot claim over $894 million in tax deductible “transfer pricing benefits” for interest paid by a cross-border subsidiary on a loan for the $14.2 billion acquisition of Optus, the Federal Court has ruled.

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Emirates Group can’t recoup $10.5M paid to Australian staff through JobKeeper
Tax 2021-11-15 4:54 pm By Miklos Bolza

Eight companies in the Dubai-based Emirates Group have lost a court bid to recoup more than $10.5 million paid to Australian staff during the COVID-19 pandemic on the mistaken belief that the money would be repaid as part of the federal government’s JobKeeper subsidy scheme.

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ATO prepared to rule out prosecuting PwC for tax offences after privilege fight
Tax 2021-04-16 2:30 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Taxation Office has told a judge it would be prepared to “give comfort” to PricewaterhouseCoopers that it will not prosecute the accounting giant for tax offences relating to documents at the centre of a court battle over privilege.

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PwC sued by Zilzie Wines for unsolicited R&D tax credit advice
Tax 2020-12-22 4:50 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

Wine making family Forbes and one of its companies, Zilzie Wines, have launched legal action against PricewaterhouseCoopers alleging the professional services firm provided it with shonky tax advice that resulted in over $200,000 in loss and damages.

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Judge remains concerned about conflict of interest in PWC privilege battle with tax office
Tax 2020-12-18 10:25 pm By Miklos Bolza

Assurances that PwC can be a defendant in a privilege fight with the ATO while representing three other defendants in the proceedings and avoid a conflict of interest has failed to allay concerns raised by a Federal Court judge, who said the situation created “at least an appearance of tension”.

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Maurice Blackburn loses appeal over bushfire class action tax bill
Appeals 2020-05-28 3:05 pm By Miklos Bolza

Maurice Blackburn has come up short in its challenge to a multimillion dollar tax bill for a record settlement payout in the Black Saturday bushfire class actions.

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