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GetSwift won’t give up bid for judge’s disqualification in class action
Class Actions 2020-09-28 12:24 pm By Christine Caulfield

GetSwift is keeping up its fight to have the judge overseeing a shareholder class action disqualify himself from the proceedings after overseeing the trial in the corporate regulator’s case against the logistics provider.

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Third class action filed over Victoria’s botched COVID-19 hotel quarantine program
Class Actions 2020-09-24 11:04 am By Christine Caulfield

A class action targeting security companies contracted by the Victorian government to guard returning travellers in hotel quarantine has been launched, bringing to three the number of group proceedings filed over the botched program.

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Law firm investigates border closure class action
COVID-19 2020-09-18 9:48 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Andrews government is facing another COVID-19 related class action, this one on behalf of farm operators financially stung by Victorian and South Australian border closures.

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Common fund orders under attack again in Takata airbags class action
Class Actions 2020-09-16 2:47 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Common fund orders are again under scrutiny in a class action which was at the centre of the High Court’s decision to strike down the orders, with a NSW Supreme Court judge sending back to the appeals court the question of whether the orders can be made at settlement.

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GetSwift agrees to notify class of asset transfer outside of Australia
Class Actions 2020-09-15 4:11 pm By Miklos Bolza

GetSwift has promised the Federal Court that it will inform the lead applicant in a shareholder class action if any of its assets are to be transferred outside of Australia, after the applicant raised concerns about the logistics company’s proposed relocation to Canada.

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Grocon must pay security to pursue $270M lawsuit over Barangaroo development
Construction 2020-09-14 10:37 pm By Christine Caulfield

Australian construction company Grocon has been ordered to pay $1 million in security for costs to continue its pursuit of a $270 million lawsuit against Infrastructure NSW over the development of Central Barangaroo, despite claiming it’s financials have taken a hit from the pandemic.

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Law firm loses bid for insurance docs in Dreamworld class action
Insurance 2020-09-11 3:05 pm By Alison Eveleigh

The applicants in a shareholder class action against Dreamworld owner Ardent Leisure over a 2016 tragedy in which four people died following a ride malfunction have lost their request for the company’s insurance documents, with a judge rejecting suggestions that the theme park operator lacks assets to pay the estimated $310 million in claims.

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GetSwift judge won’t disqualify himself from class action
Class Actions 2020-09-09 6:42 pm By Miklos Bolza

The judge overseeing a class action against GetSwift has refused to disqualify himself from the proceedings, rejecting claims that he could not be seen to approach the case with an “impartial mind” and taking a passing shot at the logistics company’s use of the Americanism “recuse” in its application.

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Landmark class action filed against Victoria over botched hotel quarantine program
COVID-19 2020-08-28 7:21 pm By Alison Eveleigh

The State of Victoria has been hit with a class action for its allegedly negligent handling of its hotel quarantine program, which is believed to be responsible for the state’s second wave of coronavirus cases.

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Insurance docs sought amid fears Ardent Leisure lacks assets to meet $310M class action
Class Actions 2020-08-28 4:17 pm By Alison Eveleigh

The lead applicant in a shareholder class action against Dreamworld owner Ardent Leisure over a 2016 tragedy in which four people died following a ride malfunction is seeking access to the company’s insurance documents, amid fears the theme park operator lacks assets to meet the estimated $310 million lawsuit.

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