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Boral faces third shareholder class action over US biz disclosures
Class Actions 2020-08-26 10:41 pm By Christine Caulfield

Construction giant Boral must now contend with three class actions by shareholders alleging it failed to disclose financial problems with its US windows business, but the cases will stay on ice pending a High Court challenge.

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Class action crackdown spurs rush to the courthouse
Class Actions 2020-08-26 10:36 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Eight law firms made it to the courthouse door just under the wire last week, filing class actions on the eve of regulations that will require funders to register their class actions as managed investment schemes.

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Judge won’t stall opt out notice in AMP class action
Class Actions 2020-08-26 3:41 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A court has given the green light for opt out and registration notices to be sent to group members in a shareholder class action against AMP, despite objections by the lead plaintiff in a competing class action.

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Sizzler seeks quick win in bun fight with Burger Urge Ā 
Intellectual Property 2020-08-21 2:39 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Buffet restaurant pioneer Sizzler is seeking a quick win in its trade mark stoush with Brisbane-based Burger Urge tossed, telling a court it will be seeking summary judgment in its favour.

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Class action wants GetSwift to give heads up if cash dips below $25M
Securities 2020-08-19 10:01 pm By Christine Caulfield

The lead applicant in a shareholder class action against GetSwift and its managing director wants the logistics provider to give notice of any decision that would see its cash and other liquid holdings fall to less than $25 million.

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GetSwift directors’ decision not to take stand in ASIC case can’t be held against company, court told
Securities 2020-08-14 11:41 pm By Christine Caulfield

The judge overseeing ASIC’s case against logistics provider GetSwift cannot draw any inferences against the company because directors Bane Hunter and Joel Macdonald did not give evidence at trial, GetSwift’s barrister has said during closing submissions in the case.

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GetSwift class action trial vacated as judge asked to recuse himself
Class Actions 2020-08-13 10:15 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The judge overseeing a shareholder class action against logistics provider GetSwift and three executives has vacated an upcoming trial date, following an application that he recuse himself from hearing the case.

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‘Most painful relationship Iā€™ve ever had’: Law firm describes falling out with funder in BOQ class action
Class Actions 2020-07-27 5:54 pm By Alison Eveleigh

The law firm that represented elderly victims of Ponzi schemer Bradley Sherwin has told the government’s class action inquiry of its ā€œpainfulā€ relationship with the funder involved in the proceedings, which eventually saw the firm bow out of the case because of a conflict of interest.

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Mining giant beats back challenge to lost profits claim in dispute over $2.5B WA iron ore mine
Appeals 2020-07-16 5:27 pm By Christine Caulfield

A subsidiary of US mining giant Cleveland-Cliffs has fought back a second bid to quash its counterclaim for lost profits in a contractual dispute over the lucrative Koolyanobbing iron ore mine, with the Western Australia Court of Appeal saying the claim was not “clearly untenable” as argued.

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‘Horrendous class action journey’: BoQ case should be focus of inquiry, group members say
Class Actions 2020-07-15 11:23 pm By Miklos Bolza

Elderly victims of Ponzi schemer Bradley Sherwin have told the government’s class action inquiry of their “horrendous class action journey”, which led to a “pathetic outcome” in which the majority of a $12 million settlement with the Bank of Queensland went to the law firm and funder behind the case.

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