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Judge warns ‘real persuasion’ needed to expand GetSwift class action 2 months from trial
Class Actions 2020-07-13 9:00 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A judge has warned counsel leading a shareholder class action against logistics provider GetSwift that “real persuasion” would be needed to convince him to allow the class to expand its case two months out from trial.

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Judge ‘regrettably’ postpones Boral class action beauty parade in light of High Court challenge
Class Actions 2020-07-10 10:27 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has pushed off a heated contest between law firms vying to lead a shareholder class action against construction giant Boral for what could be a year as a landmark High Court challenge plays out.

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Law firms set stage for Boral class action beauty parade
Class Actions 2020-07-07 9:45 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Two law firms that filed competing shareholder class actions against construction giant Boral have asked the court to permanently stay the other’s proceeding, after the judge overseeing the matter said he might wait until the High Court’s ruling on the AMP class action beauty parade before deciding which class action should move forward.

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Judge scolds law firms behind competing Boral class actions
Class Actions 2020-06-29 8:33 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A judge has scolded the law firms behind competing shareholder class actions against Boral for delaying progress of the proceedings, but may wait until the High Court’s ruling on the AMP class action beauty parade before deciding which of three potential class actions should move forward.

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GetSwift drafted correction to misleading ASX announcement, never released it, director says
Trials 2020-06-23 8:55 pm By Miklos Bolza

A former director of GetSwift has given evidence at trial in ASIC’s case against the logistics provider that the company drafted a correction to a misleading ASX announcement about a deal with fruit and milk delivery provider Fruit Box but never released it.

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Burger chain flips, agrees to injunction over Sizzler ‘tribute’ burger  
Intellectual Property 2020-06-23 5:41 pm By Alison Eveleigh

The Brisbane-based burger chain at the centre of a trademark stoush with buffet bar pioneer Sizzler has agreed to refrain from its allegedly infringing trade mark use until the case is decided.

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Tribute burger ‘Sizzler’ comes under fire from restaurant giant
Intellectual Property 2020-06-22 11:03 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Casual dining pioneer Sizzler has served up a trade mark lawsuit over an eponymous burger sold by a Brisbane-based burger chain and marketed as an “ode to the cultural icon”.

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Trial judge urges common sense in ASIC case against GetSwift
Securities 2020-06-22 4:58 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has dismissed a defensive bid by ASIC to amend its case against GetSwift mid-trial, instead calling on “common sense” to be injected into the proceeding as the hearing enters its second week.

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GetSwift leaked $138M deal to the press ahead of ASX announcement, ASIC says
Securities 2020-06-16 7:26 pm By Miklos Bolza

GetSwift “sat on” an announcement about a lucrative deal with US-based automotive sales and marketing firm N.A. Williams for more than three weeks, then leaked the news to the media before announcing it on the Australian Stock Exchange, ASIC has told the Federal Court on day two of a trial in the corporate regulator’s case against the logistics tech company.

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‘These results are not accidental’: GetSwift saw ASX as ‘cheap way’ to boost share price, ASIC says
Securities 2020-06-15 6:49 pm By Miklos Bolza

Émails show the directors of logistics company GetSwift took a “deliberate approach” to inflating the company’s share price through a constant supply of positive ASX announcements about new multimillion-dollar contracts, ASIC said on the first day of a highly anticipated five-week trial.

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