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STA Travel makes admissions in ACCC case over hidden fees
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-01-23 10:18 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s case alleging STA Travel hit customers with $1 million in hidden fees and commissions through an add-on that purported to cover the cost of flight changes will go straight to a penalties hearing after the student travel agent made admissions.

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Royal commission class actions keep rolling in, one year after Hayne report
Financial Services 2020-01-23 7:13 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A year after Commissioner Kenneth Hayne released his scathing report, companies in the financial services sector are still facing fresh class actions over conduct aired at the banking royal commission, and the pace has even picked up in recent months.

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IMF poised to take over class actions from rival funders rattled by common fund ruling
Class Actions 2020-01-20 3:57 pm By Miklos Bolza

Litigation funder IMF Bentham has shrugged off concerns about the High Court’s recent ruling on common fund orders, telling investors that it’s in a position to take over some class actions from funders daunted by the prospect of bookbuilding.

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Takata airbags class actions confirm landmark challenge to class closure order
Appeals 2019-12-17 10:50 pm By Miklos Bolza

The applicants in a group of class actions over defective Takata airbags are pushing ahead with a challenge to the power of the NSW Supreme Court to issue class closure orders in the aftermath of a High Court decision shooting down common fund orders, a fight that could send the cases back to the High Court. 

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GetSwift shareholder info should be off limits for class action bookbuilding, judge told
Class Actions 2019-12-17 8:13 pm By Christine Caulfield

Contact details of shareholders provided by GetSwift to the firm running a class action should not be used to recruit group members now that the common fund order in the case has been quashed, the logistics company has told a court.

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De-classing threat revived as 3A Composites slams ‘simply shambolic’ combustible cladding action
Product Liability 2019-12-16 9:25 pm By Miklos Bolza

German cladding manufacturer 3A Composites has again threatened to call for the de-classing of a class action brought over allegedly combustible cladding, slamming the case against it as “simply shambolic” and the conduct of the applicant as “utterly irresponsible”.

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Common fund orders in class actions dealt fatal blow by High Court
Class Actions 2019-12-04 10:12 am By Christine Caulfield

Judges have no power to order all class action members to pay a proportion of a litigation funder’s commission out of their share of a settlement, the High Court has ruled in a landmark judgment that deals a huge defeat to litigation funders.

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All eyes on High Court as ruling on common fund orders looms
Feature 2019-12-02 11:24 pm By Christine Caulfield

The High Court is poised this week to issue its judgment in a case challenging the validity of common fund orders in class actions, a ruling that could see litigation funding commission rates creep back up after hitting record lows.

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‘Time for commercial reality to bite’: Judge orders class closure in Takata air bags class actions
Class Actions 2019-11-01 3:30 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The judge overseeing seven class actions against some of the world’s largest car makers over defective Takata airbags has ordered that class closure take place in advance of mediation, saying it was “time…for commercial reality to bite”.

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High Court finds Connective Services broke the law with share transfer litigation
Appeals 2019-10-09 8:59 pm By Miklos Bolza

The High Court has shut down a lawsuit by mortgage aggregator Connective Services over the transfer of one third of the company’s shares after finding the proceeding prejudiced shareholders and contravened the Corporations Act.

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