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High Court’s Chorley ruling dooms Tucker & Cowen partner’s costs bid
Business of Law 2020-01-10 11:30 am By Miklos Bolza

A court has slashed the costs awarded to a Tucker & Cowen name partner in a lawsuit brought by the liquidators of failed fund manager Equititrust, citing a recent High Court ruling that found self-represented lawyers cannot recover their own expenses.

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Tucker & Cowen loses second bid to dodge $17.5M Equititrust case
Legal Ethics 2019-10-07 12:00 pm By Miklos Bolza

Two name partners at law firm Tucker & Cowen have lost another attempt to dismiss a case brought against them by the receivers of failed fund manager Equititrust over $17.5 million in funds allegedly obtained by deceptive means.

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Sacked Russells lawyer wins round in case over dismissal
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-08-20 4:05 pm By Christine Caulfield

A restructuring and insolvency solicitor who is suing Russells Lawyers for summarily dismissing him has largely won a discovery dispute over evidence in the case, with a judge ruling the lawyer could access communications between any of the partners related to his termination two years ago.

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Class action applicant can’t bring ‘shambolic’ case over side deal with funder
Class Actions 2019-05-22 9:23 pm By Amelia Birnie

One of two lead applicants in the settled Arasor shareholder class action has been denied leave to be heard over its $1 million personal expenses dispute with litigation funder International Litigation Partners after missing a filing deadline, with a judge calling its handling of the case “shambolic”.

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Queensland Sugar in sweet victory as Wilmar negligence case dismissed
Contracts 2019-05-13 9:13 pm By Christine Caulfield

Industry-owned Queensland Sugar Limited has succeeded in dismissing a court case brought by Wilmar Sugar Australia after record-high rainfalls led to a $60.8 million loss in 2010.

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Fight over funder’s ‘secret’ side deal in Arasor class action continues
Business of Law 2019-04-05 8:54 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has scheduled a two-day hearing to hear a dispute between investment group Caason Investments, a lead applicant in a shareholder class action against defunct laser technology company Arasor that settled last year for $19.25 million, and Singapore-based litigation funder International Litigation Partners over personal costs allegedly owed to the investment group under a “secret” side agreement.

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Judge won’t toss $17.5M Equititrust lawsuit against Tucker & Cowen
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-03-19 11:34 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A name partner at law firm Tucker & Cowen and the firm itself have lost their bid for summary dismissal of a lawsuit brought by the receiver of failed fund manager Equititrust seeking to recover $17.5 million allegedly acquired through deceptive means.

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Octaviar investors, class action funder dodge indemnity costs
Class Actions 2019-01-08 1:17 pm By Miklos Bolza

The investor behind a failed class action against the Public Trustee of Queensland over the collapse of Octaviar Group has escaped a bid by the Trustee for maximum costs, with a judge ruling the case was not a “nakedly speculative venture” by the funder.

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Funder was ‘moving force’ behind ‘doomed’ Octaviar class action, court told
Class Actions 2018-08-22 10:16 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Public Trustee of Queensland asked a court Wednesday for indemnity costs from a global litigation funder its says was the “real moving force” behind a dismissed investor class action it called a “nakedly speculative venture”.

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Judge in S&P class actions told to start from scratch with funder’s fee
Class Actions 2018-07-26 8:08 pm By Miklos Bolza

The amicus hired to assess the funder’s cut of a potentially record settlement in several class actions against S&P Global over toxic financial products has told the judge that if he’s considering approving a funding equalisation order, he should “start with a blank piece of paper” in calculating a reasonable funder’s commission.

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