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In class action defence, KFC says rest break obligation met even if staff chose to keep working
Class Actions 2024-02-13 11:22 pm By Christine Caulfield

Fast food giant KFC has served its defence in a class action alleging workers were deprived of their rest break entitlements, saying its obligation to provide the break was satisfied if staff were given the chance to stop work but chose not to.

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Judge says settlement offers should operate as bulwark against costs in class actions
Class Actions 2024-02-09 10:10 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has held that there could be favourable costs consequences for Carnival if its rejected $15 million settlement offer in the Ruby Princess class action turns out to be more generous than the ultimate damages award, departing from a previous ruling that so-called Calderbank offers do not operate in group proceedings. 

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Worley shareholder class action takes another trip to appeals court
Class Actions 2024-02-07 11:09 pm By Christine Caulfield

It’s a case of déjà vu in a class action against engineering services company Worley, with shareholders heading back to the appeals court after losing a second trial in their drawn out fight over disclosure breaches.

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3M may face class action over ‘defective’ combat earplugs
Class Actions 2024-02-06 9:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

US consumer goods giant 3M is facing a possible class action on behalf of members of the Australian Defence Force who allegedly suffered hearing loss from defective combat earplugs.

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Ruby Princess class action rejected $15M settlement offer, court told
Class Actions 2024-02-05 4:11 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Cruise ship operator Carnival PLC has flagged a bid for indemnity costs after the lead applicant in a class action over a COVID-19 outbreak aboard the Ruby Princess rejected a $15 million settlement offer.

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‘Disrespectful to the court’: Judge swipes at insurer for radio silence
Insurance 2024-01-29 1:50 pm By Sam Matthews

The judge overseeing a suite of cases brought by holidaymakers who were seriously injured in a fatal bus collision in Vanuatu has hit out at QBE for ignoring queries about an insurance policy, as the defendants in the case scramble pass the buck for the crash. 

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Anglicare denies duty of care to family members in COVID-19 outbreak class action
Class Actions 2024-01-17 2:51 pm By Sam Matthews

Aged care provider Anglicare has hit back at a class action filed on behalf of 25 people whose loved ones died during a COVID-19 outbreak at the Newmarch House in Sydney, saying it owed no duty of care to prevent mental harm to its residents’ family members.

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Reading the tea leaves from 2023’s class action beauty parades
Analysis 2024-01-15 11:19 pm By Sam Matthews

The country’s most experienced class action law firm won two and lost two in last year’s beauty parades before the courts, showing track record is not everything when it comes to winning carriage of cases and that picking the winner can be a tricky business. From line-ball decisions to law firm team-ups and the lowest contingency fee order yet, here’s how 2023’s class action contests went down.

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Ruby Princess class action heads to Full Court after plaintiff wins no damages
Appeals 2024-01-08 10:06 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The lead applicant in a class action against Carnival PLC over a COVID-19 outbreak aboard its Ruby Princess cruise ship has lodged an appeal after she won her negligence case but walked away with only out-of-pocket expenses totaling $4,000.

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Top 10 class action settlements of 2023
Top 10 Class Action Settlements 2024-01-05 4:07 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Companies and government entities paid out less to settle class actions in 2023 than in the previous two years, with no mega settlements hitting their pocketbooks.

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