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Class action filed over strip searches at NSW music festivals
Class Actions 2022-07-22 12:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

The state of NSW faces a class action over police strip searches at music festivals that is calling for aggravated and exemplary damages for the “invasive and unlawful” treatment of hundreds of festivalgoers.

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Barrister cites finding that PwC used ‘postbox’ lawyer in Noumi class action privilege spat
Class Actions 2022-07-19 4:18 pm By Sam Matthews

A fight over a global privilege claim by Noumi has been foreshadowed in a consolidated shareholder class action against the food company, formerly Freedom Foods.

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Noumi fires back at Deloitte cross-claims in class action over $590M write-down
Class Actions 2022-07-12 7:42 pm By Sam Matthews

In the latest round of finger-pointing in a consolidated shareholder class action against Noumi, formerly Freedom Foods, the food company has taken aim at Deloitteā€™s claims that it gave the accounting firm misleading information.

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RIP MIS: Funders, lawyers hail end of ‘ill-fitting’ regime for class actions
Class Actions 2022-06-16 11:46 pm By Christine Caulfield

The ruling by the Full Federal Court that funded class actions are not managed investment schemes marks the end of an ill-considered regime enacted by the Morrison government to rein in class actions, but the debate over regulation of litigation funders is not over yet.

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Judge signs off on consolidation in a2 Milk class actions
Class Actions 2022-06-16 11:34 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has allowed two law firms to jointly run a consolidated shareholder class action against dairy company a2 Milk, saying the arrangement was in the interests of group members and was “not novel”.

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Mayfair’s James Mawhinney agrees to steer clear of IPO Wealth investors
Class Actions 2022-06-10 3:41 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Mayfair Groupā€™s James Mawhinney has given an undertaking to not contact group members in a class action against a trustee of the collapsed IPO Wealth fund after allegedly urging investors, through a PR firm, to reject a settlement offer.

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Class action should foot the bill for first ever group costs order, judge says
Class Actions 2022-06-07 3:34 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge who ordered the first ever group costs order in a class action has found that the costs of the application should be borne by the class action.

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Class action settlement with IPO Wealth trustee ā€˜a lot lessā€™ than investorsā€™ claims, court told
Restructuring & Insolvency 2022-06-02 6:30 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Investors in Mayfair Groupā€™s collapsed IPO Wealth Fund stand to recoup ā€œa lot lessā€ than their alleged $67 million in losses from a settlement in a class action alleging the fundā€™s trustee misled the unit holders — but they will take home 75 per cent of the resolution sum, a court has heard.

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a2 Milk class action consolidation to see one silk go
Class Actions 2022-06-02 7:12 pm By Sam Matthews

Two law firms are set to work ā€œhand in gloveā€ in their proposed consolidated shareholder class actions against a2 Milk, with one senior barrister to be dropped as part of the ā€œrationalisationā€ of the combined team.

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EY settles class action claims over Slater & Gordon audits
Class Actions 2022-05-26 10:49 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Ernst & Young has settled all claims against it in a shareholder class action alleging the Big Four accounting firm and Pitcher Partners signed off on an overly rosy year-end financial report that failed to disclose risks and impairments associated with the law firm’s disastrous $1.2 billion acquisition of UK insurance claims company Quindell.

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