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Victoria’s triple-zero operator faces class action investigation
Class Actions 2022-05-24 10:30 am By Cat Fredenburgh

Victoria’s Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority may be hit with a class action over alleged systemic failures in its ambulance call handling operations that may have led to at least 15 deaths.

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Treasury Wine’s blackout of board papers ‘not justified’, class action judge says
Class Actions 2022-05-23 3:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A shareholder class action against Treasury Wine Estates has won access to information said to prove there were reduced wine sales in the United States, with a judge finding the wine producer’s redactions of board papers were “not justified”.

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Law firm’s tiered contingency fee in doubt in Beach Energy class actions
Class Actions 2022-05-19 2:44 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge deciding one of the first ever applications by a law firm for a percentage cut of a class action will have to determine whether Victoria’s ground-breaking contingency fee legislation allows a group costs order to operate with a sliding percentage return.

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a2 Milk hit with another shareholder class action
Class Actions 2022-05-18 5:38 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

a2 Milk is facing a shareholder class action in New Zealand on behalf of investors who allegedly suffered loss when the company’s share price plummeted on the heels of a revised outlook for the 2021 financial year amid challenges in the Chinese market.

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Judge to hear rival bids for contingency fees in Beach Energy class actions
Class Actions 2022-05-17 4:32 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge overseeing a beauty parade of two class actions against Beach Energy will hear competing bids for contingency fees by the plaintiffs’ firms before choosing which of them will have carriage of the case.

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Law firms appear to sour on contest between rival a2 Milk class actions
Class Actions 2022-04-28 10:45 pm By Christine Caulfield

Law firms running competing shareholder class actions against a2 Milk appear to have reached agreement to join forces, with a court order Thursday scrapping a contest to determine which case would proceed alone.

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Deloitte strikes back in Noumi class action over $590M write-down
Class Actions 2022-04-21 5:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Deloitte and Noumi, formerly known as Freedom Foods, have pointed the finger at one another in a consolidated shareholder class action, with the accounting giant saying the food company made misleading representations in its financial reports and should be on the hook for its costs in defending the lawsuit.

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Settlement reached in class action against trustee of collapsed IPO Wealth
Financial Services 2022-04-07 6:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

The trustee of Mayfair Group’s collapsed IPO Wealth Fund has reached an in-principle settlement in a class action alleging it misled investors, who lost $86 million when the fund was wound up.

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Judge signs off on $1.5M penalty against Westpac for unsolicited insurance
Financial Services 2022-04-07 6:03 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has hit Westpac with a $1.5 million penalty for misleading 141 customers into believing they had purchased add-on insurance.

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Snap Fitness franchisee appeals denial of coverage for pandemic-related loss
Allens 2022-04-06 5:29 pm By Sam Matthews

Snap Fitness franchisee Dural 24/7 has appealed a ruling that found insurer Lloyd’s could rely on a conformity clause in its insurance contract to deny coverage to the NSW gym for losses related to the coronavirus pandemic.

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