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University defeats opposition to rare cancer detection patent
Intellectual Property 2020-05-06 6:07 pm By Alison Eveleigh

The path has been cleared for US university to patent its rare cancer detection invention, defeating opposition from an Australian medical technology company.

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Bega triumphs again in $60M battle over peanut butter IP rights
Intellectual Property 2020-04-14 3:47 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Kraft has lost an appeal in its high-stakes legal battle against Bega over the right to use its distinctive peanut butter trade dress in Australia.

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Court tosses opposition to SARB patent application for parking overstay detector
Intellectual Property 2020-03-30 5:22 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has dismissed an opposition by tech company Vehicle Management Systems to a patent application by rival SARB Management Group for an integrated magnetic parking overstay detector.

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Dutch coffee giant pours hot water on K-fee’s patent for espresso capsule
Intellectual Property 2020-02-04 2:38 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Dutch coffee company behind the popular Moccona brand has successfully opposed a coffee capsule patent sought by coffee machine maker K-fee.

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Judge tosses Vagisil maker’s challenge to European rival’s trade mark
Intellectual Property 2020-02-04 11:43 am By Miklos Bolza

The international company behind the Vagisil feminine hygiene brand has lost its bid to stop a European competitor from registering Vagisan as a trade mark in Australia.

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Visy ordered to pay $1.6M to bubble wrap maker over licence for Chobani spoons
Intellectual Property 2020-02-03 5:17 pm By Miklos Bolza

The company behind the ubiquitous bubble wrap has won a consumer case against Visy Packaging, with the Federal Court awarding almost $3 million in damages after finding a spoon-lid combination supplied to yoghurt maker Chobani breached an exclusive licence agreement.

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Aldi’s ‘wholly descriptive’ trade mark for clothing line revoked
Intellectual Property 2020-01-10 5:11 pm By Miklos Bolza

Aldi Foods’ trade mark for one of its clothing brands has been revoked, with an IP Australia delegate finding the mark is “wholly descriptive” and incapable of distinguishing its goods.

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Major League Baseball takes another swing at Philip Morris trade mark
Intellectual Property 2019-11-08 4:43 pm By Miklos Bolza

American professional baseball organisation Major League Baseball is taking Philip Morris to court over the tobacco giant’s bid to extend protection for an international trade mark on the acronym ‘MLB’.

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Delegate denies opposition to Kraft changes to heat-resistant chocolate patent
Intellectual Property 2019-10-23 4:35 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Kraft Foods can amend its patent application for a chocolate that doesn’t melt in the summer months, after a delegate found many of the claims of the patent lacked clarity and support.

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Aldi’s lack of booze rep dooms opposition to ‘Alby’ craft beer trade mark
Intellectual Property 2019-09-10 5:22 pm By Miklos Bolza

Aldi has failed in its attempt to block applications for three ‘Alby’ trade marks filed by a Western Australian craft brewery, thanks to the supermarket chain’s lack of reputation for selling beer in Australia.

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