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Funder wins indemnity costs despite ā€˜tacticalā€™ $2M settlement offer
Business of Law 2023-08-04 11:01 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A funder has won its bid for indemnity costs following a $2 million settlement offer, despite the offer being a ā€˜tacticalā€™ move for costs protection in its successful $14.8 million claim against a Sydney property developer.Ā 

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Judge scolds Delta Coal liquidators for late notification of insolvent trading case
Restructuring & Insolvency 2021-08-11 1:53 pm By Miklos Bolza

A Federal Court judge has criticised the liquidators of coal mining company Delta for waiting over two years to file insolvent trading proceedings against former directors when the same issues of solvency had already been raised in two other cases.

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Funder seeks to recoup $14.8M debt in lawsuit against Sydney developer
Real Estate 2021-08-02 6:18 pm By Miklos Bolza

A litigation funder is suing a Sydney property developer over a $14.8 million debt stemming from a cause of action it acquired from the liquidators of the collapsed project manager behind the firm’s real estate projects.

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‘Not an idle or disinterested bystander’: Funder hit with costs for failed real estate case
Real Estate 2020-05-27 7:51 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A court has ruled that a litigation funder backing an unsuccessful real estate lawsuit by two broke plaintiffs must cover the legal costs after finding that the funder’s goals in the case were “more to serve its own commercial and financial ends” than to assist its clients.

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