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Novartis unit sues GenesisCare over cancer treatment patent
Intellectual Property 2025-02-27 11:17 pm By Sam Matthews

Australian cancer care company GenesisCare has been sued by Novartis unit Endocyte for allegedly infringing the patents for its prostate cancer treatment Pluvicto. The lawsuit, filed in the Federal Court in January, accuses GenesisCare of infringing or threatening to infringe patents held by Endocyte and Purdue Research Foundation by supplying lutetium, the generic version of…

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Ten reaches deal with Lisa Wilkinson over Lehrmann defence costs
Media 2025-02-25 11:34 pm By Christine Caulfield

Ten will pay journalist Lisa Wilkinson $1.15 million toward her costs of defending against defamation claims by former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann, who was found by a judge to have raped colleague Brittany Higgins.

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Solicitor who had sex with firm employee found not guilty of misconduct
Legal Ethics 2025-02-19 11:25 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

A solicitor who had an affair with a law firm employee and then fired her did not engage in misconduct, a tribunal has found.

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Construction PRO
No privilege waiver by Holiday Inn Express developer in claiming damages: court
Appeals 2025-02-17 11:51 pm By Christine Caulfield

The developer of a suite of Holiday Inn Express hotels has succeeded in its appeal of a ruling that laid bare privileged material connected to its lawyers’ bills.

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Mitsubishi fights to shield fuel consumption probe from class action
Class Actions 2025-02-04 5:41 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Mitsubishi says an investigation into the fuel consumption of its Triton cars is protected by litigation privilege and should not be handed over to a class action.

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Armour takeover case against Baker McKenzie can’t boost damages to $135M
Corporate 2025-01-31 11:54 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has rejected a new pleading that would have upped the damages to $135 million in a case by a shareholder of failed energy company Armour Group alleging law firm Baker McKenzie was knowingly involved in a plan to take control of the company for cheap.

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$3M class action settlement over Nine’s Palm Island coverage wins approval
Class Actions 2025-01-31 10:11 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has approved a $3 million settlement in a class action against Nine over its coverage of litigation related to the 2004 Palm Island riots. 

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Construction PRO
Court fight erupts over coverage for cyclone damage to lux Hamilton Island development
Construction 2025-01-23 5:01 pm By Andy Sidler

The owners of a Hamilton Island resort are facing a potentially lengthy legal battle after suing their builder and its insurer over $20 million in allegedly defective rectification works completed after Cyclone Debbie.  The villas owned by Great Barrier Reef Yacht Club Villas were damaged in the March 2017 cyclone, after which Insurance Australia Limited…

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Baker McKenzie, others win $3.5M security in Armour takeover case
Restructuring & Insolvency 2025-01-20 11:41 pm By Andy Sidler

A shareholder and creditor of failed energy company Armour Group will have to front $3.5 million in security in its case against law firm Baker McKenzie and others ahead of an upcoming trial.

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Ten, Lisa Wilkinson still locked in dispute over $1.8M in Lehrmann costs
Defamation 2024-12-16 11:06 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Eight months after a judge dismissed a defamation case by Bruce Lehrmann, Network Ten and journalist Lisa Wilkinson are still bickering over her $1.8 million legal bill.

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