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Nine defends Liberal party branch-stacking claims, says Michael Sukkar knew of scheme
Defamation 2021-11-08 4:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

Media giant Nine has defended reporting that allegedly implied former Victorian Liberal party vice president Marcus Bastiaan engaged in illegal branch stacking, arguing the coverage was justified and that federal assistant treasurer Michael Sukkar was in on the scheme.

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Thomson Geer to give all staff 10% pay rise
Business of Law 2021-11-01 1:21 pm By Miklos Bolza

Thomson Geer is giving all staff a 10 per cent pay bump, less than a week after Big Six law firm Gilbert + Tobin announced similar measures amid tight competition for talent in the legal market.

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Media outlets win reprieve from ban on filming lockdown protests
COVID-19 2021-09-24 4:00 pm By Miklos Bolza

Nine Network, Seven Network and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation have won a temporary injunction barring the Civil Aviation Safety Authority from declaring the area above the Melbourne CBD to be a restricted area in response to anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine protests that have disrupted the city.

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Finish detergent wins injunction in Powerball trade mark case
Intellectual Property 2021-09-06 1:58 pm By Christine Caulfield

The makers of Finish dishwashing products has secured an injunction keeping rival Somat products branded with an allegedly infringing logo from supermarket shelves until the Federal Court decides a high-stakes trade mark battle.

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Finish Powerball maker wants to derail competitor’s launch, court hears
Intellectual Property 2021-09-02 10:04 pm By Bianca Hrovat

An urgent injunction sought by the makers of Finish dishwashing products to remove Henkel Australia’s flagship product from supermarket shelves could derail the launch of Somat-branded products in Australia, a court has heard.

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Christian Porter wins bid to block media from using secret parts of ABC defence
Defamation 2021-08-31 10:41 am By Cindy Cameronne

Liberal MP Christian Porter has won his bid to block Nine and News Corp from using secret portions of ABC’s defence to his defamation allegations that the media giants accessed as intervenors in the former Attorney-General’s case.

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Christian Porter wants court to ‘protect his reputation’, Nine tells judge
Defamation 2021-08-18 4:21 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Liberal MP Christian Porter is effectively asking the court to “protect his reputation” by seeking to block Nine and NewsCorp from using secret portions of the ABC’s defence to his defamation allegations, Nine told a judge in opposing the move.

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IOUPay granted relief for compliance bungle on 20 million share issuance
Financial Services 2021-08-18 4:59 pm By Bianca Hrovat

Fintech software solutions company IOUPay has been granted relief from the court after issuing 20 million shares without lodging a cleansing notice with the Australian Securities Exchange.

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Christian Porter wants to block media from using secret parts of ABC defence
Article 2021-08-13 9:47 pm By Christine Caulfield

Liberal MP Christian Porter has asked a court to ensure Nine and News Corp. do not use secret portions of ABC’s defence to his defamation allegations, which the media giants accessed as intervenors in the former federal Attorney-General’s case.

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Christian Porter wins bid to keep secret ABC’s full defence in defamation case
Defamation 2021-07-30 10:20 am By Miklos Bolza

Former Attorney-General Christian Porter has succeeded in scrubbing from the court record the ABC’s full defence in his now-settled defamation suit against the broadcaster, over the protests of media outlets, with a judge finding the principle of open justice was “not absolute”.

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