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Sacked sports journalist loses case over coverage of ‘vivid and disgusting’ workplace comments
Defamation 2021-07-29 9:27 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A former rugby league journalist with Channel 7 has lost his defamation case over media reports, which alleged he threatened to rip the head off a young regional cadet, because the defamatory imputations were substantially true, judge has ruled.

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SA Coroner gets access to confidential ABC defence docs in Porter case
Defamation 2021-07-28 5:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

Confidential portions of the ABC’s defence in the former Attorney-General Christian Porter’s defamation case can be disclosed to the South Australian State Coroner as part of his investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of Porter’s alleged rape victim.

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Christian Porter says no superior public interest in airing ABC’s defamation defence
Defamation 2021-07-09 7:15 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Media companies seeking access to the ABC’s unredacted defence in a now-settled defamation case brought by Christian Porter told a judge the principle of open justice required that the pleading be made public, while the former attorney-general argued there was no “superior” public interest in airing the document.

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Thomson Geer strengthens media team by snapping up News Corp lawyer
Media 2021-06-22 9:13 pm By Miklos Bolza

Law firm Thomson Geer has bolstered the ranks of its media team with the recruitment of News Corp senior litigation counsel Marlia Saunders to its Sydney office.

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ClubsNSW can use docs in money laundering whistleblower’s lawsuits
Employment 2021-06-01 8:35 pm By Miklos Bolza

The association behind over 1,300 clubs in NSW has won court permission to use documents produced in its breach of confidentiality lawsuit against whistleblower Troy Stolz in two other proceedings brought by the former compliance auditor for Fair Work contraventions, defamation and workers compensation.

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Mitsubishi faces class action after judge finds Triton fuel economy label misleading
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-05-25 5:52 pm By Christine Caulfield

A law firm is set to file a class action against Mitsubishi Motors after a judge upheld a ruling that found the car maker engaged in misleading or deceptive conduct in its representations of fuel efficiency on a label fixed to the windshield of a Triton 4WD sold in 2017.

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Statewide Super won’t defend ASIC case over $1.5M insurance mistake
Financial Services 2021-05-07 9:36 pm By Miklos Bolza

Superannuation provider Statewide Super has announced that it will not defend civil penalty proceedings brought by ASIC over an administrative error which resulted in around 12,500 fund members being charged for non-existent insurance.

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AFR apologises to iSignThis as defamation case settles
Defamation 2021-04-22 3:22 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The publisher of the Australian Financial Review has settled a defamation lawsuit by iSignthis CEO John Karantzis over an article by Rear Window columnist Joe Aston that allegedly falsely linked him to a money laundering scheme.

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‘A case of investor regret’: Mayfair dodges misleading and deceptive conduct case
Financial Services 2021-03-08 11:59 am By Miklos Bolza

An investor who sank $1 million into a now suspended Mayfair Group scheme has lost his misleading and deceptive conduct case against the firm, with a judge finding his evidence was “plainly coloured” by the fact he had lost his life savings.

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Statewide Super cancelled 12,500 fund members’ insurance while charging them, ASIC claims
Financial Services 2021-03-04 9:32 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

ASIC has launched civil penalty proceedings against Statewide Super alleging that around 12,500 fund members were not covered by any insurance policy for a year despite the super fund informing them that they had cover while deducting monthly premiums worth $1.5 million.

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