Victoria Police’s use of pepper spray to disperse environmental protesters at a 2019 mining conference was a “total overreach” of force, a court has heard.
Citing public interest immunity, Homes Victoria has won a bid for Cabinet documents to be kept confidential in a class action levelled by public housing tenants.
Homes Victoria says the decision to demolish public housing towers in Melbourne — now the subject of a class action — took residents’ human rights into account, but has no documents to show it.
Homes Victoria’s claim that there are no documents recording its reasons for deciding to demolish and redevelop two public housing towers that housed 1,200 people left a judge “startled”.
The prudential regulator has filed court action against First Super co-chair and CFMEU manufacturing division boss Michael O’Connor, alleging he breached his director’s duties under superannuation laws when he hired a union official to work for the fund.
A class action over the Victorian government’s decision to retire Melbourne’s high rise public housing towers has agreed to drop claims against the state of Victoria and the minister for housing after a judge threw out the claims but allowed the class action to replead.
A judge has granted the Victorian government’s bid to dismiss a class action over its decision to retire Melbourne’s high-rise public housing towers, but allowed the applicant to recast his claim, despite protests from the state.
A judge hearing the Victorian government’s bid to knock out a class action over its decision to retire Melbourne’s high-rise public housing towers has questioned the state’s submission that the decision had “no effect” on the rights of tenants.
A court has dismissed a bid to temporarily halt the demolition of three public housing towers in inner city Melbourne as a class action pursues the Victorian government over its decision to redevelop the sites.
A class action over the Victorian government’s decision to redevelop the state’s public housing towers has asked the court for an injunction blocking demolition of three towers in inner city Melbourne, as the state foreshadows a bid to summarily dismiss the case.