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Jones Day nabs BHP’s top litigator for Melbourne office
People In The News 2019-03-12 8:46 pm By Christine Caulfield

Jones Day has bolstered its global disputes practice in Melbourne, bringing on experienced international dispute resolution lawyer Leah Ratcliff from BHP.

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Court shuts down law firm MWP’s claims over stolen clients
Business of Law 2019-03-11 11:36 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has halted a lawsuit by an international law firm against a former director who formed a breakaway law firm with two Australian lawyers and lured lucrative oil and gas clients away from the firm.

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Jones Day adds partner to Singapore arbitration group
People In The News 2019-01-31 6:59 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

An Australian partner of international law firm Jones Day has moved to the firm’s Singapore office to bolster its growing team of international arbitration specialists.

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Hyundai wins $5.6M payout in ICC arbitration dispute
Construction 2018-10-16 7:09 pm By Miklos Bolza

Hyundai Engineering and Steel Industries has been granted almost $5.6 million in compensation in a case against Australian company Alfasi Steel over construction delays on Sydney’s International Convention Centre.

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Hyundai lawsuit over $7.9M arbitration award gets go-ahead
Construction 2018-09-18 2:24 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has said a case filed by Hyundai Engineering & Steel Industries to enforce a $7.9 million arbitration award against Alfasi Steel over the delayed construction of Sydney’s International Conference Centre can move forward even though Alfasi has gone into administration.

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