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PTTEP settles oil spill class action amid disputes over funding, costs
Class Actions 2022-11-18 4:50 pm By Cindy Cameronne

PTTEP Australasia has settled a class action over one of Australia’s largest oil spills, more than a year after a judge ruled that the oil exploration company breached its duty of care to 15,000 Indonesian seaweed farmers and damaged their livelihoods.

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Apple flags fight over consolidation of app store competition class actions
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-11-18 5:39 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Apple has foreshadowed a challenge in the event two law firms seek to work together on a consolidated class action that alleges both Apple and Google engaged in anti-competitive conduct in operating their app stores.

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KPMG’s push to move Arrium class action to NSW goes south
Class Actions 2022-11-18 11:43 pm By Christine Caulfield

The High Court has dismissed an application by accounting giant KPMG to transfer a class action over the collapse of mining company Arrium from Victoria to NSW.

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High Court rejects Nine’s constitutional challenge to racial discrimination law
Media 2022-11-18 10:45 pm By Christine Caulfield

Nine has failed to persuade the High Court to take up a special case that would argue the Racial Discrimination Act infringes the broadcaster’s implied right of political speech, in a blow to its defence against a class action over its coverage of litigation related to the Palm Island riots.

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Insurer on hook for breast implant class action costs after High Court snub
High Court 2022-11-18 11:18 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Avant Insurance has lost its bid to challenge a ruling which put it on the hook for indemnifying a plastic surgeon in class action proceedings over allegedly botched breast augmentations at a defunct NSW clinic.

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No contradictor in law firm’s second bid for GCO in ANZ, Westpac class actions
Financial Services 2022-11-18 5:16 pm By Cindy Cameronne

ANZ and Westpac have failed in their bid for a contradictor to weigh in on a contingency fee bid in two class actions, as the law firm that lost the first ever application for a group costs order tries again.

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GetSwift liquidators flag challenge to settlement in ‘disastrous’ class action
Class Actions 2022-11-17 4:18 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Liquidators of failed tech company GetSwift have foreshadowed an objection to a $1.5 million settlement going to shareholders in a class action that a judge has labelled a “disaster”.

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Companies linked to Banksia class action fraudsters should pay up, court told
Class Actions 2022-11-15 3:22 pm By Christine Caulfield

Dead or broke, the class action lawyers who schemed to defraud investors in failed Banksia Securities should not escape a $21 million judgment for damages and costs, a court has heard.

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Light rail class action plaintiffs want NSW on hook for litigation funder’s cut
Transportation & Infrastructure 2022-11-15 4:55 pm By Christine Caulfield

Businesses bringing a class action over Sydney’s $3 billion light rail project are pursuing a bold new claim that the NSW government pay not only for damages related to their nuisance claims, but for the 40 percent commission the litigation’s funder wants from a post-trial judgment.

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A ‘sorry history’ of non-compliance: Judge tosses underpayments class action
Class Actions 2022-11-15 11:29 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has thrown out an underpayments class action against NSW not-for-profit Life Without Borders for failure to advance the case with due diligence and slapped the lead applicant with costs for his “unreasonable” acts during the course of the proceeding.

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