The applicants in a consumer class action against Allianz have been ordered to produce an insurance policy that covers them for the risk of losing the case, which the insurer says will inform its bid for security for costs.
A judge overseeing a shareholder class action against the now failed GetSwift has urged the applicant to decide soon if he will forge ahead with a problematic settlement, seek summary judgment or wait to see what comes of the parent company’s bankruptcy case.
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia faces trial Monday in one of several class actions filed against a major Australian company in recent years over allegedly lax money laundering practices and disclosures.
A judge has slammed Domino’s for its “entirely unsatisfactory” opening submissions in an underpayments class action, warning the pizza giant not to hide arguments and evidence up its sleeve.
A judge has criticised the applicant in a class action against failed asset manager Blue Sky Alternative Investments for filing court documents late, as he prepares to grapple with an imminent competing class action.
A law firm has filed a class action against Wilson Security on behalf of employees who claim to have been underpaid, just weeks after a court shut down a group proceeding against the company brought by a self-represented worker.
A judge overseeing two underpayments class actions against supermarket chain Romeo’s has rejected a bid for a private costs assessor by Adero Law, which will now go unpaid until at least January.
A judge has approved a $41 million settlement in a shareholder class action against Pitcher Partners but has reduced the funder’s cut to $11.5 million after resolving a feud with the lead applicant over how much it should receive for taking the case to trial.
Uber has lost its challenge to a decision that found many of its email exchanges with lawyers were made in furtherance of offences at the centre of class action claims and were not protected by legal professional privilege.
Digital giant Meta can access information on crypto tokens issued to fund a class action over Facebook’s ban on cryptocurrency ads, but the identities of those who have bought the tokens can be kept under wraps.