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‘Just a hope and a dream’: Judge threatens to toss ex-Linchpin director’s appeal of ASIC ban
Financial Services 2021-08-20 4:51 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has blasted an ex-Linchpin director’s delay in appealing a five-year disqualification ordered by ASIC and threatened to dismiss the appeal after he failed to comply with court orders.

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Controversial COVID border closure could trigger class action, lawyer says
COVID-19 2021-08-20 5:01 pm By Bianca Hrovat

The heavy toll of COVID-related border closures on businesses in northern New South Wales could trigger a class action lawsuit, a lawyers has warned, as the political debate heats up over a proposal to move the border 7km south to the Tweed River.

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Worley budget adjustments were ‘drop in the ocean’, Full Court hears in class action appeal
Class Actions 2021-08-17 10:19 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Worley’s increases to a budget behind an allegedly misleading 2014 earning guidance, amounting to $1.14 million, were a “drop in the ocean”, the Full Court has heard as shareholders seek to revive a failed class action against the engineering company.

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Shareholders looking to revive class action say Worley pursued ‘growth stock’ ambitions over accuracy
Appeals 2021-08-16 9:09 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Worley crafted the budget behind an allegedly misleading 2014 earnings guidance so that its shares could be rated as a “growth stock”, the Full Court has heard as shareholders seek to revive a failed class action against the engineering company.

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Arasor class action applicant can’t dodge funder’s legal bill after ‘shambolic’ handling of side dispute
Class Actions 2021-08-16 12:34 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The lead applicant in a settled shareholder class action against technology company Arasor can’t dodge funder International Litigation Partners’ costs, which it was ordered to pay after a judge rejected its “shambolic” attempts to be heard over a $1.2 million personal expenses dispute with the funder.

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Court can’t force ‘unwilling’ applicants to litigate, says Sims class action judge
Class Actions 2021-08-13 8:28 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has allowed a new applicant to lead a shareholder class action against recycling company Sims Metal Management, ruling that he could not force the original applicant to continue in the role when it wanted to back out.

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Recovery concerns flagged in CBA class action
Class Actions 2021-08-12 2:48 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The applicant in a class action on behalf of hundreds of thousands of Colonial First State Investments customers has raised concerns about whether he can recover compensation from a CBA life insurance unit that was recently sold to a competitor.

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Philips faces class action investigation into sleep device recall
Class Actions 2021-08-12 12:53 pm By Bianca Hrovat

Multinational health technology company Philips may be hit with a class action after its sleep therapy machines were subject to an urgent safety recall over concerns customers could inhale degrading foam.

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Corestaff can’t get insurer to cover future class action judgment
Insurance 2021-08-12 10:19 am By Miklos Bolza

A court has ruled that labour hire firm CoreStaff cannot rely on its professional indemnity insurance to cover judgment against it in an employment class action alleging itmisled workers who relocated from Papua New Guinea to Australia for work.

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Senate passes controversial changes to continuous disclosure laws
Policy and Regulation 2021-08-10 6:49 pm By Bianca Hrovat

Controversial legislation advanced by the Morrison government that will weaken the country’s continuous disclosure laws and make it harder to bring shareholder class actions has cleared the Senate.

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