The law firm running a class action against sandalwood producer Quintis has pitched an unusual common fund order that subjects the firm and the funder bankrolling the case to ongoing monitoring by a cost referee.
Labour hire company WorkPac has been hit with a class action on behalf of hundreds of casual miners who claim they were denied annual leave and other entitlements.
A judge has dismissed a class action against Powercor over a bushfire in the Gazette area of South West Victoria on St. Patrick’s Day 2018, calling the allegations “fanciful”.
A judge won’t defer the opt-out notice in a shareholder class action against GetSwift pending the High Court’s decision on a special leave application to revive a competing class action, saying the sooner the case settles the better.
Maurice Blackburn has dropped its investigation of a possible class action on behalf of owners of units in Sydney’s faulty Opal Tower, but Corrs Chambers Westgarth is still pursuing a potential case.
Law firms Maurice Blackburn and Phi Finney McDonald have stepped back from a proposed consolidation of their class actions against the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and want to run their own cases again, but now with “harmonised” pleadings.
A judge has recommended another shareholder vote over Boart Longyear’s plan to move to Canada, saying a letter by a minority shareholder warning the move could imperil a possible class action against the distressed mining services company was misleading and affected the integrity of the vote.
The judge overseeing a class action against Ethicon over allegedly faulty pelvic mesh implants has shot down the device maker’s bid for a class closure order.
An appeal before a historic joint sitting of two courts over so-called common fund orders in class actions kicked off Monday with a full bench of six judges and a packed courtroom hearing arguments by eminent barristers for BMW and Westpac that the orders are either preemptive or pointless.
Deloitte is challenging a judge’s ruling that certain partners not be excused from an order to produce files of the accounting giant’s audit work for Hastie Group to shareholders in a class action over the construction company’s collapse, its latest move after a failed attempt to persuade the judge that a rogue partner had taken the only copies of the files and refused to give them back.