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Ex-Sirtex CEO charged with insider trading
Securities 2018-09-26 1:24 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The former CEO of biotech company Sirtex Medical has been charged with insider trading.

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Law firms won’t challenge AMP class action ruling
Class Actions 2018-09-26 1:11 pm By Christine Caulfield

A landmark ruling that transferred four competing federal class actions against AMP to state court will stand, with the law firms behind the cases opting out of a fight in the High Court.

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Showdown looms as BHP faces 3rd class action over Brazil mine disaster
Class Actions 2018-09-25 10:59 pm By Christine Caulfield

BHP Billiton has been hit with a third class action in Australia over the 2015 dam failure at its Samarco mine in Brazil, and the lead applicant in the latest case — one of the biggest pension funds in the US — has a lot at stake.

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Vendors can’t probe claims against auction house Mossgreen
Restructuring & Insolvency 2018-09-24 2:58 pm By Miklos Bolza

A Federal Court judge has shot down an eleventh hour bid by unpaid vendors of collapsed auction house Mossgreen for discovery to see if they have a claim against the company, including a possible class action claim.

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Broker can’t take back admission in Provident class action defence
Financial Services 2018-09-21 2:38 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has shot down a last minute bid by an insurance brokerage facing a cross claim in a class action over failed debenture issuer Provident Capital to retract an admission in its defence ahead of trial next month.

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Competing Murray Goulburn class actions look set to co-exist
Class Actions 2018-09-21 2:25 pm By Christine Caulfield

The judge presiding over two shareholder class actions against Murray Goulburn indicated Friday he would likely let both cases proceed jointly to a trial in 2020.

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Law firm abandons Banana Boat class action
Class Actions 2018-09-20 10:33 pm By Christine Caulfield

Bannister Law has dropped its investigation of a possible class action against the makers of Banana Boat aerosol sunscreen, which faced numerous complaints by consumers who claimed they were burned while using the spray-on sunblock

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Sirtex shareholders fear ‘bare cupboard’ for class action after takeover
Class Actions 2018-09-20 4:32 pm By Christine Caulfield

Shareholders in a class action against Sirtex Medical have lost a bid for an order preventing the life sciences company from quietly moving $128 million in cash assets out of the country after its $1.9 billion takeover by a Chinese private equity company comes into effect Thursday, but the battle over the money will likely continue.

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BMW says court can’t make funding order in Takata class actions
Class Actions 2018-09-19 8:40 pm By Miklos Bolza

BMW Australia plans to challenge the NSW Supreme Court’s power to create a common fund order spanning six class actions brought against major players in the automotive industry over defective and dangerous Takata air bags.

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Judge wants funder’s cut in Westpac class action to come from net recovery
Class Actions 2018-09-19 1:58 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has agreed to sign off on an order in a massive class action against Westpac that could give 25 percent of any recovery to the litigation funder underwriting the case, on the condition that the funder accept a rate reflecting the net, not the gross, sum.

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