AAI has lost its bid to appeal an order joining it to a class action over alleged combustible cladding installed at two high-rise towers in Liverpool, NSW.
Mitsubishi says an investigation into the fuel consumption of its Triton cars is protected by litigation privilege and should not be handed over to a class action.
The competition regulator is seeking views on whether IAG’s bid to acquire a 90 per cent stake in RACQ’s insurance underwriting business for $855 million could saddle consumers with higher prices.
A court has foreshadowed a fight between two competing class actions against Google over alleged abuse of market dominance in digital advertising.
A class action alleging a pawn shop gave vulnerable customers loans with annual interest rates of 480 per cent has lost contact with its lead applicant and is looking for another, a court has heard.
Two law firms have joined forces in a second class action on behalf of publishers alleging Google misused its dominance in the digital advertising market.
A court has given the consumer watchdog the OK to pursue its case against Mosaic Brands over alleged misleading delivery times, despite hearing the company will likely be liquidated.
A judge hearing a class action against Isuzu will deal first with whether its cars were fitted with so-called defeat devices, in the latest class action alleging a car maker cheated on emissions tests.
Mastercard is staring down costs orders after telling a court it will seek to vacate an upcoming trial date in its fight with the competition regulator after technical difficulties slowed the discovery process.
Toyota’s offer to fix customers’ diesel filters has drawn criticism from a class action, which alleges it misled group members into believing a fix would have no bearing on damages they could be owed.