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Doctor taped meeting where Ramsay Health unit CEO made alleged threats, trial hears
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-03-08 4:50 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A surgeon who was considering opening a health clinic in Coffs Harbour, NSW recorded one of the meetings central to the competition watchdog’s action against Ramsay Health, in which alleged anti-competitive threats were made by a CEO of two Ramsay units, a court has heard. 

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AFT agrees to temporary injunction over new Maxigesic ads
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-03-05 8:24 pm By Miklos Bolza

AFT Pharmaceuticals has agreed to a court order temporarily restraining it from distributing point of sale material containing updated claims that its painkiller Maxigesic is more effective than other over-the-counter medications.

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ACCC accuses gas suppliers of operating with ‘sense of contempt’
Energy & Natural Resources 2019-03-05 8:05 pm By Miklos Bolza

The ACCC’s chairman Rod Sims has fired a warning shot across the bows of Australia’s gas suppliers, saying high prices had put businesses at risk and urging them to do more to rectify the situation themselves.

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Westpac wants court to raise the bar for ‘personal advice’ finding
Financial Services 2019-03-04 10:59 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Westpac has followed ASIC’s lead, launching a separate appeal to a ruling that it provided financial advice but not personal advice as part of a campaign encouraging customers to roll over external superannuation accounts.

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Google, US groups slam ACCC’s digital platforms report
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-03-04 7:23 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Google has criticised the ACCC’s proposals for stricter oversight of digital platforms, saying the regulator has not identified any problems that couldn’t be addressed with its current powers, a concern echoed by US-based competition and industry groups, which warned the proposals could harm competition.

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ACCC probes $231M sale of Origin Energy’s Ironbark project to APLNG
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-03-04 2:03 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Australian Competititon and Consumer Commission is investigating the proposed $231 million acquisition of Origin Energy’s Ironbark gas project in Queensland to Australia Pacific LNG.

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Common fund rulings a boon for class action litigation funders, experts say
Analysis 2019-03-01 9:37 pm By Christine Caulfield

Two rulings Friday keeping alive the common fund order are a ringing endorsement by the courts of the important role that litigation funders play in class actions, experts say, and have paved the way for more funded post-Hayne consumer litigation against banks and other financial services firms this year.

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TPG, Vodafone drag feet on ACCC’s information request
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-03-01 7:48 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has suspended its timeline for announcing whether it will bless the proposed $15 billion merger of telco giants TPG and Vodafone Hutchison Australia, saying the parties have still not complied with its requests for information.

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Court slams judge for ‘regrettable’ $2.8M award in Microsoft IP case
Intellectual Property 2019-02-28 7:17 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge’s decision imposing damages of over $2.8 million on a Melbourne computer retailer facing an intellectual property lawsuit by Microsoft has been slammed as “regrettable” and a judicial “failure,” in a judgment overturning the ruling.

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Divestiture saves $578M Bingo, Dial-a-Dump deal from trash heap
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-02-28 12:16 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The ACCC has signed off on waste management company Bingo’s proposed $578 million acquisition of waste collection and processing service Dial-a-Dump, with the regulator saying Bingo’s proposal to divest a waste processing facility alleviated its competition concerns.

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