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Law firm expresses ‘regret’ as Aveo pays just $11M to settle class action
Class Actions 2023-03-28 4:09 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action against Aveo Group has settled for $11 million mid trial, with the law firm that brought the case expressing regret for any “distress or anxiety” it caused and acknowledging the retirement village provider’s contracts with residents were lawful. 

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Toyota can’t overturn defect ruling, but wins cut to damages in diesel filter class action
Class Actions 2023-03-27 5:03 pm By Christine Caulfield

An appeals court has partially sided with Toyota in a challenge to the damages bill assessed by a judge in a class action over defective diesel filters, saying the reduction in value of affected cars should be assessed at 10 per cent, not 17.5 per cent, of the price paid by motorists.

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Court needs novel approaches for class actions or ‘system will collapse’, judge says
Class Actions 2023-03-27 2:15 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge overseeing a competition class action against Queensland power companies Stanwell and CS Energy has warned that judges need to be inventive in how they manage large group proceedings, otherwise the “system will collapse”.

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Five years after class action filed, BHP denies knowledge of dam collapse risk
Class Actions 2023-03-27 11:14 pm By Cindy Cameronne

In a class action long delayed by a battle over foreign shareholders, BHP Group has finally filed a defence, denying it misled shareholders over a failed Brazilian dam and saying knowledge about the risk of collapse cannot be imputed to the Melbourne-headquartered energy giant.

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Full Court finds ACCC misstepped by not bringing ‘major failures’ case against Mazda
Appeals 2023-03-23 3:18 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Mazda have both lost their appeals in a case over the car manufacturer’s ‘appalling’ customer service, with three judges questioning the regulator’s decisions in how it ran the case.

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Developers added to Apple, Google class actions despite conflict concerns
Class Actions 2023-03-23 4:38 pm By Cindy Cameronne

App developers can be added as group members in class actions against Apple and Google alleging they engaged in anti-competitive conduct in operating their app stores, despite Apple’s concerns that the law firm running the case will owe conflicting duties. 

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Mining equipment supplier Qteq denies ACCC’s cartel claims
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-03-23 9:22 pm By Sam Matthews

Mining equipment company Qteq and its executive chairman Simon Ashton have denied allegations of bid rigging and other cartel conduct levelled by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

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ACCC urged to investigate Etihad for ‘greenwashing’
Climate change 2023-03-23 12:01 am By Cat Fredenburgh

A complaint has been lodged with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission against Etihad Airways for allegedly making false or misleading statements about its greenhouse gas emissions and plans for achieving net zero emissions.

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On ‘third birthday’ of PwC class action, judge rails against slow progress
Class Actions 2023-03-21 8:33 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has blasted the lack of progress in an investor class action against accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers and asset finance lender Axsesstoday over an allegedly misleading $50 million prospectus.

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Carnival class action over norovirus outbreaks faces strike out, declassing bids
Class Actions 2023-03-21 4:32 pm By Sam Matthews

A class action against Carnival over norovirus outbreaks on its Sun Princess cruise ship is facing a strike out bid, with the cruise operator also flagging a declassing application down the line.

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