Australian investment management group Fortius Funds Management has taken retail giant The Just Group to court seeking millions of dollars in allegedly unpaid rent for four stores in Sydney’s MidCity Shopping Centre.
Petrol station operator Ampol has denied accusations by US oil giant Chevron that it is misusing Caltex branding on 175 of its service stations, on the first day of a trial that could see the presiding judge take a road trip to view the alleged offending signage firsthand.
A judge has slapped a 4WD rental company that made “harsh and unjustified threats” against customers who challenged its decision to retain their security deposits with a $1.2 million fine.
Supermarket giant Woolworths can recoup losses from a 2014 train derailment in South Australia despite a contractual clause excluding force majeure events, the NSW Supreme Court has found.
The High Court has granted special leave to hear a first-of-its-kind dispute over a number of airplane engines leased by the beleaguered Virgin Airlines, which may result in the airlineâs administrators using company funds to cover the costs of shipping the engines back to Florida.
PricewaterhouseCoopers has won access to communications between a Chinese lender and its lawyers at Baker McKenzie in a legal stoush over a failed bid to launch the first Chinese bank incorporated in Australia.
A director of sunglasses company Quay Eyewear has lost her bid to access HWL Ebsworthâs advice to the company given during legal proceedings which accused her of tortious interference, breach of directorsâ duties and intellectual property violations.
Accounting firm Findex Australia has lost a bid for the High Court to hear its case over a restraint provision against a former financial advisor found to have been unenforcable.
A judge has found that news articles published in the Herald Sun, Daily Mail and The Australian may have given group members in a class action against a Telstra contractor the âwrong impressionâ that they would be exposed to a cross-claim if they failed to opt out.
A lengthy dispute over insurance in a settled class action against sandalwood producer Quintis has been resolved, with the Federal Court rejecting a challenge by two insurers to the rectification of policies that could provide a further $11.25 million in recoveries to group members.