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Auto shop loses bid to sue Holding Redlich over franchisee agreements
Contracts 2018-06-19 12:58 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has rejected a failed auto repair franchiser’s bid to appeal a ruling dismissing its case against Holding Redlich alleging the law firm was negligent in preparing franchisee agreements.

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Home builder can’t keep customers from posting negative reviews online
Competition & Consumer Protection 2018-06-06 2:44 pm By Christine Caulfield

The ACCC has won an agreement from home builder Wisdom Properties to remove a non-disparagement clause from its standard home building agreement after the regulator said the clause likely violates the Australian Consumer Law. 

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Glenville wins appeal of privilege ruling in Amcor asbestos dispute
Environment 2018-06-04 10:58 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Luxury home builder Glenville has won an appeal of a ruling that shielded certain documents from production by legal professional privilege in a lawsuit against global packaging giant Amcor over liability for asbestos remediation at a former Amcor paper mill site in a Melbourne suburb.

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Garmin denied quick win in $1.1M dispute
Contracts 2018-06-04 11:02 am By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has denied a bid for summary judgment by Garmin Australia in a lawsuit brought by the GPS giant seeking $1.1 million allegedly owed under an agreement to supply its products for sale in Australia.

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Woolworths, Lowe’s settle dispute over hardware store joint venture
Gilbert + Tobin 2018-05-25 12:19 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A settlement has been reached in a lawsuit between Woolworths and US home improvement giant Lowe’s over a failed joint venture for a chain of hardware stores in Australia.

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Bega ratchets up claims in peanut butter feud with Kraft
Competition & Consumer Protection 2018-05-24 9:49 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Bega Cheese has brought new allegations against Kraft in their dispute over who owns the rights to the signature Kraft peanut butter packaging in Australia.

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Blockbuster loses appeal over franchisee’s unauthorised sale
Franchises 2018-05-18 9:28 pm By Christine Caulfield

Blockbuster has struck out in its challenge to a ruling that it could not recover a cent from a husband and wife franchisee after the pair sold the store’s assets without consent and admitted to breaching the franchise agreement.

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Warner Bros wins appeal in feud with Mad Max director
Contracts 2018-04-24 7:51 pm By Christine Caulfield

Warner Bros. has won an appeal in a dispute with the Australian director and producer of Hollywood smash Mad Max: Fury Road over a $7 million bonus the Sydney-based film makers claimed they were owed after making the film under budget.

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