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Australia second to US for climate-related litigation, report finds
Environment 2022-03-18 7:11 pm By Sam Matthews

Australia ranks second in the world for climate-related lawsuits, and the threat of climate litigation looms larger than ever for Australian companies across all sectors, a new report has found.

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Doral defeats ‘speculative’ pre-action discovery bid over $32M Keysbrook mine sale
Energy & Natural Resources 2022-03-15 5:54 pm By Miklos Bolza

Doral Mineral Sands has successfully blocked a pre-action discovery bid by an irate shareholder over losses stemming from the $32 million Keysbrook mine sale, with the Western Australia Supreme Court finding that any case against Doral was “mere assertion, conjecture or suspicion”

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$28M settlement in Arnold Bloch Leibler class action to get court’s OK
Class Actions 2022-03-04 11:05 am By Christine Caulfield

A judge will approve a $28 million settlement resolving a class action against Arnold Bloch Leibler over advice the law firm gave to Slater & Gordon ahead of a disastrous acquisition. A 28 per cent commission for the case’s funder will also get the court’s nod.

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ACCC flags supply chain competition in COVID-19 era as new priority
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-03-03 4:15 pm By Sam Matthews

The ACCC will target businesses seeking to use COVID-related disruptions to global and domestic supply chains as “a veil for illegal conduct” the watchdog’s outgoing chair has said in setting out the regulator’s priorities for 2022.

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Viterra rejected $85M offer to settle Cargill lawsuit over Joe White sale
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-03-02 10:27 pm By Sam Matthews

Grain producer Viterra, which has been ordered to pay $293 million to Cargill Australia for making misleading representations during the sale of malt producer Joe White, rejected an offer to settle the lawsuit for $85 million, a court has heard.

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Abandoned IVF clinic merger no win for ACCC, judge says
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-03-01 4:54 pm By Christine Caulfield

The ACCC got what it wanted when IVF providers Virtus Health and Healius terminated a proposed $45 million merger, but it wasn’t a win, a judge has said in mostly denying the regulator’s bid to recover the costs of its court challenge to the deal.

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PwC Australia picks up Greenwoods & Herbert Smith Freehills
Tax 2022-03-01 9:21 pm By Sam Matthews

A new taxation super-group is on the horizon, with leading tax advisory firm Greenwoods set to join the ranks of PwC Australia’s financial advisory business in the midyear, amid a “war for talent” in the sector. 

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ASIC drops most claims against Rio Tinto over $5.8B acquisition
Securities 2022-02-28 1:31 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has dropped all but one claim against Rio Tinto in a four-year-long case over disclosures related to its troubled $5.8 billion acquisition of a Mozambique coal mining business and abandoned all claims against the mining giant’s former CEO and CFO.

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Viterra hit with $124M in interest on top of $168.9M in damages owed to Cargill
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-02-28 5:54 pm By Sam Matthews

Grain producer Viterra has been ordered to pay Cargill Australia $124 million in pre-judgment interest on top of the $168.9 million it was ordered to pay after a judge found it misrepresented the performance capabilities of Joe White during the $420 million sale of the malt producer.

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ATO wins urgent orders freezing $220M from State Grid sale of AusNet shares
Tax 2022-02-28 10:51 pm By Christine Caulfield

The ATO has secured freezing orders on $220 million in capital gains tax arising from the $19 billion private equity sale by China’s State Grid of its substantial shareholding in energy infrastructure giant AusNet.

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